
Učinki različnih načinov redčenja v gorskem bukovem gozdu na Mežakli : diplomsko delo = univerzitetni študij
ID Laznik, Luka (Author), ID Diaci, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/aa454ce1-b0b3-4177-9bd8-c368bf3a927c

V letu 2009 je bila izvedena druga meritev na raziskovalnih ploskvah v bukovihdrogovnjakih na Mežakli, ki so bile postavljene in prvič premerjene v letu 2005. Uporabljeni so bili trije načini ukrepanj. Prvi je bil način klasičnega izbiralnega redčenja z običajno jakostjo odkazila (način 60), drugiredčenje s 50 % manjšo gostoto izbrancev z običajno jakostjo odkazila (način 30), tretji pa redčenje s 75 % manjšo gostoto in močno jakostjo odkazila (način dela 15). Izbrancem je bila določena drevesna vrsta, izmerjen premer, višina, dolžina čistega debla, preštete veje na prvih in drugih 4 m debla, določena asimetričnost krošenj ter sproščenost. Po štirih vegetacijskihsezonah so opazne manjše razlike med načini dela, vendar je potrebno upoštevati, da so rezultati predhodni. Način 15 se je izkazal kot ugoden, če želimo povečati premer debla izbrancev in volumen krošenj ter zagotoviti boljšo stojnost. Način 30 se je izkazal najboljše pri čistem deblu in številu tankih vej na prvih 4 m debla. V kolikor želimo boljše čiščenje debelih vej ali pa izboljšanje sproščenosti, se bomo odločili za način dela 60. Če pa sestoje prepustimo naravnemu razvoju, bo to najboljše vplivalo na višinsko rast in majhno število tankih vejic. Način dela 15 zaradi močnega ukrepanja odmakne naslednje ukrepanje v prihodnost. Z načinom dela 30 lahko zmanjšamo razmerje h/d in povečamo krošnje, kar je na področju s pogostimi ujmami zelo pomembno. Tudi način dela 60, ki predstavlja klasično izbiralno redčenje in je v dosedanji praksi najpogostejše v uporabi, daje dobre rezultate in ne predstavlja bistveno večjih vložkov, kot jih zahtevajo drugi načini redčenj, ki smo jih preizkušali.

Keywords:bukovi gozdovi, nega gozdov, gojenje gozdov, redčenje, drogovnjaki
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Laznik]
Number of pages:VIII, 67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15994 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3173798 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

In 2009 was carried out the second measurement on research plots inside young beech forests on plateau Mežakla, which were designed and first measured in 2005. Three types of thinning treatments were used. First treatment which was used was a conventional selective thinning with normal intensity of cutting (Treatment 60), second treatment had a 50% lower density of crop trees, but with normal thinning intensity (Treatment 30), and the third treatment had 75%lower density of crop trees and strong thinning intensity (Treatment 15). For all crop trees were determined tree species, measured the diameter, height, length of trunk without branches, were counted the branches at first 4m of a trunk and defined asymmetry of crown and its place to grow. After fourvegetation seasons only minor differences between treatments were significant, but it should be noted that the results are preliminary. Method 15 has proved to be favourable if we want to increase the diameter of the trunk, the volume of the canopy and provide a better stability of crop trees. Treatment 30 has proven best for improving length of the trunk without knots and the number of thin branches on the first 4 m of trunk. If we want a bettercleaning of thick branches or more growing space for crop trees we will decide for Treatment 60. However, if the stands are left to natural development, this will positively influence the height growth and decrease thenumber of thin branches. Treatment 15 with high thinning intensity also postpones next interventions to the future. With Treatment 30 we can reduce the ratio of h/d and increase the crown, which is in the area with frequent natural disturbances very important. The Treatment 60, which represents the classical selective thinning and is in current practice most often applied, produces good results and does not require substantially more work load than those required by other methods of thinning which were tested.

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