
Odškodninska odgovornost države in lovskih organizacij za divje živali
ID Jager, Luka (Author), ID Možina, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ureditev odškodninske odgovornosti države in lovskih organizacij (lovskih družin) za divje živali je kompleksna in dinamična, kot je po naravi dinamičen njen predmet urejanja – divje živali. Sodobna ureditev je materijo uredila v dveh bolj ali manj ločenih zakonih, in sicer odgovornost za škodo, ki jo povzroči divjad v Zakonu o divjadi in lovstvu in škodo, ki jo povzročijo zaščitene vrste v Zakonu o ohranjanju narave. Zakon o divjadi in lovstvu glede na površino, (na) kateri škoda nastane, predvideva različne vrste, kot tudi nosilce odgovornosti. Odgovornost deli med upravljalca lovišča, ki lahko odgovarja bodisi krivdno bodisi objektivno, in državo, katere odgovornost je zastavljena objektivno in subsidiarno. Poseben predmet urejanja predstavlja tudi odgovornost ob trku divjadi z vozilom. Odgovornost za škodo, ki jo povzročijo zaščitene živali Zakon o ohranjanju narave ureja v obliki državne povrnitvene sheme. Za tovrstno obliko odgovornosti je značilno, da se država sama zaveže, da bo oškodovancem povrnila določeno izgubo, pri tem pa ji protipravnega ravnanja in drugih elementov klasične odškodninske odgovornosti ni mogoče izkazati. Ureditev, ki bazira v omenjenih zakonih zaradi svoje nomotehnične nedodelanosti v veliki meri oblikujejo sodišča, zaradi česar bi lahko rekli, da je odškodninska odgovornost za divje živali v veliki meri »sodno pravo«. Pri tem se ob nastanku škodnih dogodkov odpirajo številna vprašanja, tudi pri opredelitvi osnovnih izhodišč, kot je posamezna oblika odgovornosti, njen temelj in tudi obseg ter vrsta priznane škode. Odpira pa se tudi vprašanje primernosti predstavljene ureditve z vidika (enakega) varstva oškodovanca po obeh zakonih, kot tudi z vidika možnosti lovskih organizacij, da svoj škodni riziko ustrezno nadzorujejo.

Keywords:odškodninska odgovornost države, povrnitvena shema, posebna oblika objektivne odškodninske odgovornosti, trk z divjadjo, objektivna odgovornost, odgovornost lovske družine, škoda od divjadi in zaščitenih vrst
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159914 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203294467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Liability of the State and Hunting Organisations for Wild Animals
The regulation of liability of the state and hunting organisations (hunting clubs) for damages caused by wild animals is complex and dynamic, just as the subject it governs - wild animals - which are inherently dynamic. Modern legislation has regulated the matter in two more or less separate acts. The liability for damages caused by game is regulated by the Game and Hunting Act, while the liability for damages caused by protected species is laid down in the Nature Conservation Act. Game and Hunting Act foresees different types of liability, as well as different holders of liability, depending on the area (on) to which the damage occurs, diving the liability among the hunting ground manager, that may be liable either culpably or strictly, and the state, whose liability is set out as strict and subsidiary. Liability in the event of a collision between game and a vehicle is also a subject of the regulation. Liability for damages caused by protected animals is regulated by the Nature Conversation Act in the form of a state compensation scheme. Such form of liability is characterised by the state's own undertaking to compensate the injured parties for a certain loss, whereby unlawful conduct and the other elements of classical liability for damages cannot be established. The regulation based on the aforementioned acts is, due to its nomotechnical vagueness, largely shaped by the courts. Thus, it could be stated that the aforementioned regulation is, to a large extent, "case law". The stated vagueness raises a number of issues, including the definition of the basic principles, such as the form of liability, its basis, and the extent and type of damages to be recognised. Additionally, the questions arise whether the present regulation is appropriate in terms of (equal) protection of the injured party under both laws, as well as in terms of the ability of hunting organisations to adequately control their risk of damage.

Keywords:liability of the state, statutory compensation scheme, special form of strict liability, collision with game, strict liability, liability of hunting clubs, damages caused by game and protected species

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