
Lesna biomasa iz zunajgozdnih nasadov hitrorastočih vrst : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Čebul, Tina (Author), ID Košir, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Krajnc, Nike (Comentor)

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MD5: FBE08C37D7BD4FAE0DC0C1766587BED3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/677c90f0-3930-4a86-b6a2-da2cd1ae8285

Zunajgozdni nasadi hitrorastočih drevesnih vrst dajejo velik hektarski donos lesne biomase, ne posegajo v naravne gozdove in hkrati pomenijo razbremenitev naravnih gozdov. Ti nasadi predstavljajo pomemben vir lesne biomase za velike porabnike, kot so daljinski sistemi in večje termoelektrarne. Primerne lokacije za nasade hitrorastočih drevesnih vrst so opuščene kmetijske površinein kmetijske površine z manj ugodnimi razmerami za pridelavo živil in krme, vodovarstvena in kontaminirana območja, površine prizadete zaradi rudniške ali druge industrijske dejavnosti ali strma območja. Sečnjo v teh nasadih izvajamo vsakih nekaj let, odvisno od obhodnje. Ta je po navadi od 2- do 5- letna. Gostota sajenja je različna in je odvisna od obhodnje. Najbolj pogosto za nasade uporabljamo klone vrbe ali topola. Količina proizvedene lesne mase je odvisna od dolžine obhodnje, drevesne vrste, kakovosti tal in od intenzivnosti nege. Skupaj z Gozdarskim inštitutom smo opravili meritve na testnem nasadu v letu 2009 in letu 2010. Na podlagi obdelave pridobljenih podatkov smo prišli do ugotovitve, da skupni donos testnega nasada ne dosega pričakovane vrednosti donosa nasada navedenega v literaturi. To pa zato, ker so bili naši podatki dobljeni na podlagi enoletnega prirastka. Nasad v tem času še ni dosegel kulminacije volumenskega prirastka, zato podatki iz tega nasada še ne potrjujejo gospodarnosti tovrstnega nasada.

Keywords:hitrorastoče drevesne vrste, lesna biomasa, energetski viri, kloni, produkcija biomase, hitrorastoči nasad, lesni sekanci
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Čebul]
Number of pages:X, 67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15985 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3172262 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Short rotation forestry provide a large yield of biomass, does not interfere with the natural forests and also offer relief from natural forests. These crops represent an important source of biomass for large users, such as remotesystems and larger power plants. Suitable locations for fast-growing tree species plantations have been dropped on abandoned land and agricultural land with less favorable conditions for producing food and feed and contaminated water protection areas, areas affected by mining or other industrial activities or steep areas. Harvesting in these plantations is carried out every few years depending on growing time. This is usually from 2-to 5- year. Planting density varies and depends on rotation period. The mostcommonly used for plantations are willow or poplar clones. Quantity of wood mass depends on rotation period, tree species, soil quality and the intensity of tending. Together with the Forestry Institute, we performed measurements on a test crop in 2009 and 2010. Based on the processing of the data we have come to the conclusion, that the total yield of test crops does not reach the expected value of plantation yields reported in the literature. This is because our data were obtained on the basis of one year wood growth. Volume increment culmination has not been reached by this time, so the data from this crop is not yet confirmed as a economical investment.

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