
Preučevanje kemične komunikacije med parazitsko ogorčico (Oscheius myriophilus) in razširjenimi vrstami polžev v Sloveniji
ID Šavli, Klara (Author), ID Laznik, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Polži predstavljajo pomembne škodljivce v kmetijstvu, saj lahko s svojim prehranjevanjem povzročijo škodo na različnih vrstah rastlin. Zaradi tega je potrebno njihovo zatiranje, pri čemer so lahko uporabljeni kemični, mehansko-fizični ali biotični načini. Biotično varstvo rastlin, kjer se škodljivi organizmi zatirajo z uporabo koristnih organizmov ali biotičnih agensov, je postalo vse bolj priljubljeno. Raziskava, izvedena leta 2021, je odkrila vrsto Oscheius myriophilus v telesu španskega lazarja (Arion Vulgaris Moquin-Tandon) v Sloveniji, kar predstavlja prvi zabeležen primer te vrste ogorčice v polžu. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo preučevali vpliv različnih vrst sluzi polžev na gibanje ogorčice vrste O. myriophilus pri različnih temperaturah. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je neusmerjeno gibanje ogorčic intenzivnejše pri nižji temperaturi (20 °C). Poleg tega smo opazili usmerjeno gibanje ogorčic, pri čemer je sluz vinogradniškega polža izstopala kot najbolj privlačna za ogorčice. Rezultati raziskave odpirajo nova raziskovalna vprašanja glede mehanizmov kemotaksije in snovi v polžji sluzi, ki bi lahko bile odgovorne za njeno privlačnost za ogorčice. Ogorčica O. myriophilus kaže potencial za uporabo v biotičnem zatiranju polžev, pri čemer bi lahko sluz vinogradniškega polža igrala ključno vlogo. Nadaljnje raziskave bi bile koristne za boljše razumevanje interakcij med ogorčicami in polži ter za optimizacijo uporabe ogorčic v praksi.

Keywords:parazitska ogorčica, Oscheius myriophilus, polži, Arion vulgaris, Deroceras reticulatum, Helix pomatia, Cernuella virgata, Tandonia budapestensis, polžja sluz, temperatura, usmerjeno gibanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159816 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203042307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Study of chemical communication between the parasitic nematode (Oscheius myriophilus) and economically important species of snails in Slovenia
Slugs and snails represent significant pests in agriculture, as their feeding can cause damage to various types of plants. Therefore, their control is necessary, with chemical, mechanical-physical, or biotic methods being employed. Biological control, where harmful organisms are suppressed using beneficial organisms or biotic agents, has become increasingly popular. A study conducted in 2021 discovered the species O. myriophilus within the body of Spanish slugs in Slovenia, marking the first recorded instance of this type of nematode in a mollusc. As part of the master's thesis, we examined the influence of different types of mollusc slime on the movement of O. myriophilus nematodes at different temperatures. It was found that the undirected movement of nematodes is more intense at lower temperatures (20 °C). Additionally, we observed directed movement of the nematodes, with the slime of the vineyard snail standing out as the most attractive to them. The results of the study raise new research questions regarding chemotaxis mechanisms and substances in mollusc slime that could be responsible for its attractiveness to nematodes. O. myriophilus nematodes show potential for use in biotic control of snails, with the slime of the vineyard snail potentially playing a crucial role. Further research would be beneficial for better understanding the interactions between nematodes and molluscs and for optimizing the practical use of nematodes.

Keywords:parasitic nematode, Oscheius myriophilus, slugs, Arion vulgaris, Deroceras reticulatum, Helix pomatia, Cernuella virgata, Tandonia budapestensis, slug mucus, temperature, directed movement

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