
Geokemične in mineralne lastnosti tal na območju parka Tivoli : diplomsko delo
ID Redek, Minea (Author), ID Zupančič, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za ugotavljanje mineralne in geokemične sestave tal ter njihove morebitne onesnaženosti s potencialno strupenimi prvinami (PSP), smo v parku Tivoli odvzeli 10 vzorcev tal. Vzorce smo odvzeli na mestih, kjer pričakujemo večje onesnaženje (bližina cest in železnice) in na mestih, kjer naj onesnaženja ne bi bilo. Geokemično sestavo vzorcev smo analizirali z XRF. Štirim vzorcem tal, ki so se najbolj razlikovali po kemični sestavi, smo z XRD določili mineralno sestavo. Vzorca z najbolj povečanimi vsebnostmi potencialno strupenih prvin smo pregledali pod SEM/EDS, da bi lahko opredelili možne nosilce PSP. Ugotovili smo, da so nekateri deli parkovnih tal bolj obogateni s Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni in Pb. Največ povečanih vsebnosti najdemo v vzorcih TI-06 ter TI-07, ki sta locirana ob Celovški cesti in parkirišču ob njej. Zanimiva je vsebnost Cu v vzorcu TI-07, saj je zelo visoka (138 mg/kg) in izstopa glede na ostale vzorce. Povečane vsebnosti vseeno niso vezane na lego ob večjih prometnicah oz. kjer smo predvidevali onesnaženje. Rezultate so potrdili Mann-Whitney test, koeficienta onesnaženja EF in Igeo ter karte razporeditve PSP. XRD analiza je pokazala, da v tleh v Tivoliju prevladuje kremen, ki mu sledijo muskovit, klorit, dolomit, kalcit in albit. Vzorec TI-04, ki je lociran na otroškem igrišču, izstopa po mineralni sestavi, saj ima povečano količino dolomita, ki je glede na litološko ozadje posledica nasutja. Z SEM/EDS analizo smo potrdili prisotnost enakih mineralov kot jih je pokazala XRD, delcev, ki so nosilci PSP (Cr, Ni, Cu) pa smo zaznali zelo malo. Primerjava s tlemi na območju Rožnika in na rečnih terasah Save v okolici Smlednika je pokazala, da so tla Tivolija obogatena s CaO, MgO in PSP, kar je posledica antropogenega vpliva. Vsebnosti PSP v tleh parka Tivoli so večje od vsebnosti v devetih svetovnih mestih, kar kaže, da ni neposredne povezave med gostoto prebivalstva in onesnaženjem.

Keywords:mineralogija, geokemija, parkovna tla, onesnaženje, potencialno strupene prvine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Redek
Number of pages:XI, 52 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159772 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202646531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Geochemical and mineral properties of soils in the Tivoli Park area : diploma work
To determine the mineral and geochemical composition of the soil and its possible contamination with potentially toxic elements (PTE), 10 soil samples were taken in Tivoli Park. Samples were taken at locations where contamination is expected to be higher (proximity to roads and railways) and at locations where contamination is not expected to be present. The geochemical composition of the samples was analysed by XRF. The four soil samples that differed most in chemical composition were analysed by XRD to determine the mineral composition. The two samples with the most elevated levels of potentially toxic elements were examined under SEM/EDS to identify possible carriers. We found that some parts of the park are more enriched in Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni and Pb. The most elevated levels are found in samples TI-06 and TI-07, which are located along Celovška cesta and the parking lot next to it. The Cu content of sample TI-07 is interesting as it is very high (138 mg/kg) and stands out compared to the other samples. However, the elevated levels are not related to the location along major thoroughfares or where contamination was predicted. The results were confirmed by the Mann-Whitney test, the EF and Igeo pollution coefficients and the PSP distribution maps. XRD analysis showed that the soil in Tivoli is dominated by quartz, followed by muscovite, chlorite, dolomite, calcite and albite. Sample TI-04, located in the children's playground, stands out in terms of its mineral composition, as it has an increased amount of dolomite, which, given the lithological background, is the result of embankment filling. SEM/EDS analysis confirmed the presence of the same minerals as indicated by XRD, while very few PSP-bearing particles (Cr, Ni, Cu) were detected. Comparison with soils in the Rožnik area and on the river terraces of the Sava in the vicinity of Smlednik showed that the soils of Tivoli are enriched in CaO, MgO and PSP, which is due to anthropogenic influence. PSP levels in Tivoli Park soils are higher than those in nine world cities, indicating that there is no direct correlation between population density and pollution.

Keywords:mineralogy, geochemistry, park soils, contamination, potentially toxic elements

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