
Otrokovo spoznavanje drugačnosti s slikanico : diplomsko delo
ID Stražišar, Urša (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Slikanice so pomemben medij, s katerim se otrok sreča že v predšolskem obdobju. Že v prvih mesecih življenja začnejo spodbujati njegovo domišljijo, ki je osnovni element, s katerim otrok razvija razum. Slikanice mu pomagajo razumeti občutke, saj liki sočustvujejo z njim in ga razumejo. Pri vsem tem je otroku veliko lažje, zato se radi zatečejo med knjige, ki jih popeljejo v njihov svet. S knjigami se srečujejo tudi v procesu biblioterapije, ki ima veliko pozitivnih učinkov, kot sta spodbujanje sočutja in razvoja. Z razvijanjem sočutja in razvoja pa spoznavamo tudi druge pojme, kot sta drugačnost, raznolikost, ki ju lahko povežemo z nesprejemanjem in zavračanjem. S slikanicami in biblioterapijo otrokom omogočamo, da spoznavajo drugačnosti, rešujejo stiske in poskrbijo za vključenost drugačnih. Tako lahko z vzgojitelji in odraslimi že zelo zgodaj poskrbimo, da otroku predstavimo raznoliko literaturo, o njej kritično razpravljamo in ga vodimo, da se razvije v empatično in razumno odraslo osebo. V svojem diplomskem delu želim vzgojiteljem predstaviti izbiro pravljic, s katerimi bodo otrokom predstavili drugačnost. Ob pravljicah bodo otroci razvijali sočutje in razumevanje drugačnih. Z domačo in s tujo strokovno literaturo sem v teoretičnem delu predstavila, kaj je slikanica, kako je ta umeščena v Kurikulum za vrtce, katere vrste slikanic poznamo in kaj je problemska slikanica. Poleg tega sem raziskovala, kako je opredeljena drugačnost, kaj je biblioterapija, kakšni so njeni cilji, prednosti in ovire. Predstavila sem tudi vrste biblioterapije, sam proces in vplive na delo z otroki. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila slikanice in izdelala seznam literature z različnimi temami, s katerimi se otroci srečajo že v zgodnjem otroštvu. S tem seznamom bodo lahko vzgojitelji otrokom predstavili pojme, npr. drugačnost.

Keywords:Predšolska vzgoja, Biblioterapija, drugačnost, otroška književnost, predšolski otrok, slikanica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Stražišar
Number of pages:31 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159731 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202397443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.07.2024
STRAŽIŠAR, Urša, 2024, Otrokovo spoznavanje drugačnosti s slikanico : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : U. Stražišar. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Child's learning about diversity through a picture book
Picture books are an important medium that children encounter as early as the preschool period. From the first months of life, they begin to stimulate their imagination, which is the basic element through which a child develops understanding. Picture books help them understand emotions, as the characters empathize with and understand them. This makes it much easier for children, and they enjoy immersing themselves in books that take them into their own world. Through books, they also encounter bibliotherapy, which has many positive effects, such as promoting empathy and development. By developing empathy and understanding, they also learn about other concepts like difference and diversity, which can be linked to non-acceptance and rejection. Through picture books and bibliotherapy, we enable children to recognize differences, solve problems, and ensure inclusivity for those who are different from themselves. Educators and adults can ensure early on that children are introduced to diverse literature, engage in critical discussions about it and guide them to develop into empathetic and reasonable adults. In my thesis, I aimed to help educators select stories that introduce children to the concept of diversity. Through stories, children will develop empathy and understanding for those different from themselves. Using both domestic and foreign professional literature, I presented what a picture book is, how it is integrated into the preschool curriculum, the types of picture books, and what a problematic picture book is. Additionally, I explored how diversity is defined, what bibliotherapy is, its goals, advantages, and obstacles. I also presented the types of bibliotherapy, the process, and its impacts on working with children. In the empirical part, I introduced picture books and created a list of literature with various themes that children encounter early in life. With this list, educators can introduce concepts such as diversity to children.

Keywords:Picture book, bibliotherapy, diversity, children’s literature, preschool child

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