
Pametni domovi in video nadzor
ID Rakovec, Maj (Author), ID Humar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B12B1C2A1066DC222B89C3A27C07A6E1

Ta diplomska naloga raziskuje številne protokole, ki se uporabljajo v tehnologijah pametnega doma in interneta stvari (IoT), ter ponuja temeljit pregled njihovih temeljnih idej in funkcij. Cilj študije je razjasniti širok spekter funkcij, ki jih lahko opravljajo pametni domovi, s poudarkom na tem, kako je mogoče te sisteme učinkovito nadzorovati in optimizirati za ustvarjanje avtomatiziranih in učinkovitejših bivalnih prostorov. Študija raziskuje interoperabilnost več IoT protokolov in kako bi jih lahko integrirali za izboljšanje delovanja pametnih domov. Ključni sestavni del varnosti doma, predvsem videonadzorni sistemi, je predmet drugega dela diplomske naloge. V tem delu je preučen tehnološki razvoj v videonadzoru, skupaj z njegovo uporabo in prednostmi za varnost pametnega doma. Vsebuje temeljit pregled načrtovanja in izdelave specializirane aplikacije za izboljšanje varnosti doma. Z uporabo najsodobnejših tehnologij, kot sta umetna inteligenca in strojno učenje za prepoznavanje obrazov, ta aplikacija ponuja varnostne funkcije, ki učinkovito nadzorujejo in varujejo stanovanjska območja. Poleg tega diplomska naloga obravnava morebitne težave, vključno z zasebnostjo podatkov, zanesljivostjo sistema in dostopnostjo uporabnika, medtem ko preučuje težave in rešitve, povezane z uporabo teh tehnologij v praksi. Z integracijo teoretičnega razumevanja in implementacije v resničnem svetu želi ta študija znatno prispevati na področju tehnologije pametnega doma. Z zagotavljanjem pronicljivih nasvetov in uporabnih rešitev za vzdrževanje in varovanje sodobnih življenjskih prostorov napreduje v najsodobnejših sistemih pametnega doma in povezanih varnostnih mehanizmih.

Keywords:Pametni dom, internet stvari, video nadzor, propoznavanje obrazov, protokoli, senzorji, aktuatorji, podatki, umetna inteligenca
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159702 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202290435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Smart homes and video control
This thesis explores the many protocols used in smart home and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, offering a thorough examination of their fundamental ideas and features. The goal of the study is to clarify the wide range of functions that smart homes may perform, with a focus on how these systems can be efficiently controlled and optimised to produce automated and more efficient living spaces. The study explores the interoperability of several IoT protocols and how they might be integrated to improve the functioning of smart homes. The crucial component of home security—video surveillance systems in particular—is the subject of the thesis' second section. The technological developments in video surveillance are examined in this part, along with their uses and advantages for smart home security. It contains a thorough examination of the planning and creation of a specialised application meant to improve home security. With the use of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning for facial recognition, this application is intended to offer strong security features that efficiently monitor and safeguard residential areas. In addition, the thesis addresses potential problems including data privacy, system dependability, and user accessibility while examining the difficulties and solutions associated with putting these technologies into practice. Through the integration of theoretical understanding and real-world implementation, this study aims to make a contribution to the field of smart home technology. It advances the state-of-the-art in smart home systems and related security mechanisms by providing insightful advice and workable solutions for maintaining and safeguarding contemporary living spaces.

Keywords:Smart home, internet of things, video surveillance, face recognition, protocols, sensors, actuators, data, artificial intelligence

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