
Integracija muzikala v izobraževalni proces v glasbeni šoli : magistrsko delo
ID Čadež, Vid (Author), ID Pucihar, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pucihar, Ilonka (Comentor)

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Muzikal je glasbeno-scensko delo, ki povezuje več različnih elementov dramske igre, plesa in glasbe. Zaradi zahteve po razvijanju raznolikih veščin predstavlja pomembno nadgradnjo izobraževalnega procesa in poučevanja glasbe na splošno. V magistrskem delu je predstavljena opredelitev muzikala in kratek oris njegove zgodovine oziroma razvoja po svetu in v Sloveniji, saj se je skozi čas spreminjal glede na socialne, kulturne in tehnološke spremembe. Opisan je njegov pomen in zmožnost združevanja različnih umetnosti in ustvarjalcev v skupni kreativnosti in udejstvovanju. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen muzikal v izobraževalnem procesu, kjer je poudarjena pomembnost razvoja in dostopnost muzikala na tem področju, saj se kažejo številni pozitivni vplivi muzikala na razvoj različnih veščin in znanj mladih v glasbenem izobraževanju, predvsem v procesih sodelovalnega in kooperativnega učenja. Prav tako se kaže pomen kvalitetno strukturirane priprave za ustvarjanje muzikala in usposobljenosti mentorjev, saj-le te močno vplivajo na kakovost izvedbe in izobraževanja v procesu ustvarjanja. Predstavljen je tudi razvoj mladinskega muzikala, njegovi učinki in ponudbe na trgu ter na kakšen način lahko služi kot učinkovit učni pripomoček v izobraževalnem procesu. V osrednjem delu magistrskega dela se spoznamo z delovanjem Glasbene šole Vrhnika – oddelek Horjul na področju uprizarjanja in ustvarjanja mladinskih muzikalov, s poudarkom na letošnjem projektu muzikala Aladin. V sklopu magistrskega dela sem kot somentor sodeloval v procesu ustvarjanja letošnjega muzikala, h kateremu učenci pristopajo celostno; z igranjem inštrumentov, petjem, plesom in dramsko igro se razvijajo na več področjih in skozi proces postajajo kompleksni glasbeniki. Med procesom ustvarjanja je potrebno učencem nuditi prostor za skupno ustvarjanje, pri tem pa spodbujati individualno izražanje in razvijanje potencialov vsakega posameznika. Pomemben del pri ustvarjanju muzikala Aladin predstavljajo tudi prilagoditve notnih partitur. Prilagoditve morajo ohranjati karakteristike originalne predloge, se hkrati prilagoditi nivoju znanja in sposobnosti učencev ter jih spodbujati k napredku.

Keywords:izobraževalni proces, glasbeno šolstvo, mladinski muzikal, muzikal Aladin, priredbe za mladinski muzikal, magistrska dela, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:V. Čadež
Number of pages:112 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159692 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201590531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of musical into educational process in music school
Musical combines several different elements of drama, dance and music. Due to the requirement to develop diverse skills, it represents an important upgrade to the educational process and music teaching in general. The master's thesis presents a definition of the musical and a brief outline of its history and development around the world and in Slovenia, which has changed over time in relation to social, cultural and technological changes. We describe its importance and ability to unite different arts and creators in joint creativity and engagement. In the following, the musical in the educational process is presented and the importance of the development and accessibility in this field is emphasized, as the many positive effects of the musical on the development of various skills and knowledge of young people in musical education, especially in the processes of collaborative and cooperative learning, are shown. It also shows the importance of well-structured preparation for the creation of a musical and the qualifications of mentors, as they have a strong impact on the quality of performance and education in the creation process. The development of the junior musical, its effects and offers on the market is also presented, as well as how it can serve as an effective teaching aid in the educational process. In the main part of the master's thesis, we learn about the activities of the Vrhnika School of Music – Horjul department in the field of creating junior musicals, with an emphasis on this year's Aladdin musical project. I participated as a co-mentor in the process of creating said musical, which the students approach holistically; through playing instruments, singing, dancing and acting, they develop skills in several areas and through the process become complex musicians. In the process of creation, it is necessary to provide students with space for joint creation, while encouraging individual expression and development of the potential of everyone. An important part in the creation of the musical Aladdin is also the adaptation of musical scores. The adaptations must preserve the characteristics of the original proposal, but also adapt to the level of knowledge and abilities of the students and encourage them to progress.

Keywords:educational process, junior musical, Aladdin musical, adaptations for junior musical, master's theses

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