
Značilnosti urbanizacije na Islandiji
ID Osterman, Julija (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Urbanizacija na Islandiji predstavlja primer, kako lahko država z majhnim številom prebivalcev in težavnimi naravnimi pogoji uspešno razvije urbane centre. Kljub razpršeni in redki poselitvi je Islandija razvila eno najvišjih stopenj urbanizacije v Evropi, pri čemer je večina prebivalstva nakopičena v Reykjavíku. Tu, v epicentru islandske urbanosti, so prebivalci uspeli združiti moderno infrastrukturo z edinstveno naravno krajino. Zgodovinsko gledano je urbanizacija na Islandiji potekala hitro, zlasti v 20. stoletju, ko se je prebivalstvo začelo seliti iz podeželja v mesta, predvsem v Reykjavík. Razvoj mestne infrastrukture in ekonomskih dejavnosti sta dodatno okrepil trend urbanizacije. Vendar pa ta skoncentriranost prebivalstva prinaša tudi izzive, kot so prostorska neenakost, visoki življenjski stroški in pritiski na infrastrukturo. Trajnostni pristop k urbanem planiranju je viden v prizadevanjih za varovanje naravne in kulturne dediščine ter v strategijah za enakomerni regionalni razvoj. Manjša urbana središča igrajo pomembno vlogo pri uravnoteženju poselitve in zmanjševanju pritiska na Reykjavíško regijo. Islandija s svojo zmožnostjo prilagajanja naravnim pogojem in inovativnim rešitvam ponuja model trajnostne urbanizacije, ki ga lahko posnemajo tudi druge države. Njena uspešna kombinacija modernosti s tradicijo in stalna prizadevanja za trajnostno rabo virov dokazujejo, da je mogoče ustvariti uspešno urbano okolje tudi v zahtevnih naravnogeografskih pogojih.

Keywords:urbanizacija, monocentričnost, reykjaviška urbana regija, trajnostni razvoj, prostorska neenakost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159676 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Characteristics of Urbanisation in Iceland
Urbanization in Iceland shows an example of how a country with a small population and extremely difficult natural conditions can successfully develop urban centers. Despite its scattered and sparse population, Iceland has developed one of the highest rates of urbanization in Europe, with most of its population concentrated in Reykjavík. Here, in the epicenter of Icelandic urbanism, residents have managed to combine modern infrastructure with a unique natural landscape. Historically, urbanization in Iceland has been rapid, especially in the 20th century, when the population began to move from the countryside to the cities, especially Reykjavík. The development of urban infrastructure and economic activities further strengthened the urbanization trend. However, this population concentration also brings challenges such as spatial inequality, high living costs, and pressures on infrastructure. The sustainable approach to urban planning is visible in efforts to protect natural and cultural heritage and in strategies for balanced regional development. Smaller urban centers play an important role in balancing settlement and reducing pressure on the Reykjavík region. With its ability to adapt to natural conditions and innovative solutions, Iceland offers a model of sustainable urbanization that other countries can emulate. Its successful combination of modernity with tradition and constant efforts for the sustainable use of resources prove that it is possible to create a successful urban environment even in demanding natural geographical conditions.

Keywords:urbanization, monocentricity, Reykjavík capital area, sustainable development, spatial inequality

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