
Vpliv verskih prepričanj pacienta na odnos med pacientom in medicinsko sestro : diplomsko delo
ID Bešić, Midheta (Author), ID Ovijač, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mlinar, Suzana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Religija (tudi verstvo) je skupek prepričanj in dejanj, s katerimi človek izraža svoj odnos do svetega. Verska prepričanja usmerjajo človeka in on v njih močno verjame ter so lahko izvor duševnega zadovoljstva. Veliko raziskav je dokazalo, da so verni ljudje manj depresivni, lažje sprejmejo slabo novico (npr. potrditev kronične bolezni), lažje prenesejo kronične bolečine in podobno. Religioznost lahko vpliva na odnos med pacientom in medicinsko sestro. Medicinska sestra ima lahko težave z nerazumevanjem pacienta zaradi pomanjkljivega znanja o njegovi veri in verskih prepričanjih ter pomanjkanja časa, posvečenega pogovoru na to temo. Po drugi strani se lahko medicinska sestra znajde v situaciji, ko je zahtevano opravilo v nasprotju z njenimi verskimi in moralnimi prepričanji. Namen: Preučiti vpliv verskih prepričanj pacienta na odnos med pacientom in medicinsko sestro ter pravico do ugovora vesti medicinske sestre. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom tuje in domače strokovne in znanstvene literature. Literatura je bila časovno omejena med letoma 2014 in 2024 z nekaj izjem. Literaturo smo iskali v bazah podatkov, kot so: PubMed, CINAHL in Google Učenjak. Ključne besede, po katerih smo iskali literaturo, so angleške: »religion«, »nursing«, »healthcare«, »mental« in »physical health«. Rezultati: Verska prepričanja imajo pozitiven vpliv na zdravje in zdravljenje pacientov. Če jih medicinska sestra upošteva, lahko izboljša duševno stanje pacienta in njegovo sodelovanje z njo. Odprt odnos in spoštovanje pacientovih prepričanj sta ključnega pomena za dobro sodelovanje. Ob nerazumevanju lahko medicinska sestra pacienta dodeli drugi medicinski sestri. Prav tako ima medicinska sestra pravico odkloniti neki zdravstveni poseg, če ta ni skladen z njenimi verskimi prepričanji. Razprava in zaključek: Medicinske sestre bi se morale pozanimati glede verskih prepričanj pacienta in tudi družine zaradi zagotavljanja celovitega pristopa. Poleg tega bi se morale več izobraževati na tem področju.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, religija, skrb za zdravje, fizično zdravje, duševno zdravje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Bešić]
Number of pages:[28] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159672 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202135811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of patient religious beliefs on the patient-nurse relationship : diploma work
Introduction: Religion (also religion) is a set of beliefs and actions by which man expresses his relationship to the sacred. Religious beliefs guide a person and he strongly believes in them and can be a source of mental satisfaction. A large study proved that such religious people are less depressed, take bad news more easily (e.g. confirmation of a chronic disease), tolerate chronic pain more easily, and so on. Religiosity can affect the relationship between the patient and the nurse, both from the patient's side and from the nurse's side. The nurse may have problems misunderstanding the patient due to a lack of knowledge about his religion and religious beliefs and a lack of time devoted to talking about this topic. On the other hand, a nurse may find herself in a situation where the required task conflicts with her religious and moral beliefs. Purpose: To examine the impact of the patient's religious beliefs on the patient-nurse relationship and the nurse's right to a contract of conscience. Methods: In the diploma work, we used a descriptive work method with a review of foreign and domestic, professional and scientific literature. The literature was limited in time between 2014 and 2024 with a few exceptions. Literature was searched using a search engine in databases such as: PubMed, CINAHL and Google Scholar. The keywords used to search for literature are English: religion, nursing, healthcare, mental and physical health. Results: Religious beliefs have a positive influence on health in treating patients. Considering only these as a nurse can improve the patient's mental state and his cooperation with us. An open attitude, respect for the patient's beliefs is crucial for good cooperation. In case of misunderstanding, the nurse can assign the patient to another nurse. A nurse also has the right to refuse a medical intervention if it is not in accordance with her religious beliefs. Discussion and conclusion: Nurses should inquire about religious beliefs of patients as well as families to ensure a comprehensive approach. In addition, they should educate themselves more in this field.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, religion, healthcare, physical health, mental health

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