
Medpredmetno povezovanje pouka umetnostne zgodovine in slovenščine ob poeziji Srečka Kosovela : magistrsko delo
ID Žajdela, Ana (Author), ID Mahnič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žbogar, Alenka (Comentor)

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Učni proces je sinteza učenja, poučevanja in vzgajanja. Z razvojem tega procesa in premika od pasivnega k aktivnemu učencu se odpirajo mnoga vprašanja in prostor za izboljšave. Učenje je smiselno le, če je prenosljivo v dejansko življenje, za kar pa je potrebno povezovanje področij in predmetov že v procesu pridobivanja znanja. Strogo ločevanje posameznih predmetov negativno vpliva na učni proces, zato se stremi k povezovanju in sodelovanju, predvsem kadar predmeti dosegajo iste ali podobne cilje. Medpredmetne povezave so že vključene v učne načrte, izhodišča za prenovo učnih načrtov pa napovedujejo še več povezav med učnimi načrti. Magistrsko nalogo sem začela s teoretskim uvodom, kjer sem razložila pouk in z njim povezane procese, terminologijo s področja medpredmetnega povezovanja, didaktiko književnosti in didaktiko umetnostne zgodovine. V drugem delu sem oblikovala učno pripravo medpredmetnega povezovanja med slovenščino in umetnostno zgodovino ob poeziji Srečka Kosovela in likovni umetnosti Avgusta Černigoja. Ta dva predmeta imata veliko skupnih točk, zato sta zelo primerna za medpredmetno povezovanje. Sklop sem pripravila po preoblikovanem metodičnem sistemu šolske interpretacije umetnostnega besedila, tako da je ustrezal pouku književnosti in umetnostne zgodovine. Zanimalo me je, kako medpredmetno povezovanje vpliva na doseganje ciljev, hkrati pa sem ugotavljala, če bi bila metoda šolske interpretacije smiselna tudi za pripravo na pouk umetnostne zgodovine.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, slovenska poezija, umetnostna zgodovina, poučevanje, medpredmetno povezovanje, metodični sistem šolske interpretacije, Srečko Kosovel
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Medved Žajdela]
Number of pages:44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159496 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201683459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Cross-Curricular Integration of Art History and Slovene Language using Srečko Kosovel's Poetry
The learning process is a synthesis of learning, teaching, and upbringing. With the development of this process and a shift from passive to active learners, many questions arise and there is much room for improvement. Learning only makes sense if it can be applied in real life, which requires connecting different areas and subjects during the knowledge acquisition process. Strictly separating individual subjects negatively affects the learning process, so efforts are made towards integration and collaboration, especially when subjects have similar or related goals. Cross-curricular connections are already included in curricula, and the basis for curriculum reform predicts even more connections between curricula. In my master's thesis, I started with a theoretical introduction where I explained teaching and its related processes, terminology in the cross-curricular integration field, methods and techniques of teaching of literature and methods and techniques of teaching of art history. In the second part, I designed a lesson plan for an interdisciplinary connection between the Slovenian language and art history based on the poetry of Srečko Kosovel and the fine art of Avgust Černigoj. These two subjects have many common points which make them suitable for cross-curricular teaching. I prepared a lesson using the modified methodical system of school interpretation of artistic texts so that it was suitable for teaching literature as well as art history. I was interested in how interdisciplinary connections affect goal achievement while also exploring whether the method of school interpretation would be useful for preparing art history lessons.

Keywords:Slovene literature, Slovene poetry, art history, teaching, cross-curricular integration, methodical system of school interpretation, Srečko Kosovel

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