
Primerjava treh metod za ovrednotenje elektromagnetne kompatibilnosti izdelkov
ID Pirc, Nejc (Author), ID Begeš, Gaber (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Teoretični del diplomske naloge je osredotočen na razumevanje standardizacije, kar je ključno za razumevanje diplomske naloge in poslanstva preizkuševalne institucije, kot je SIQ. V nalogi sem podrobno obravnaval zgodovino razvoja standardov ter opisal tri ključne standarde: EN 55014-1, EN 55015 in EN 55016-2-3, ki so bili uporabljeni pri preskušanju sevalnih emisij elektronskih naprav. Ti standardi določajo smernice in postopke za zagotavljanje elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) produktov, kar pomeni, da naprave delujejo brez povzročanja elektromagnetnih motenj. Drugi del diplomske naloge se osredotoča na preskušanje sevalnih emisij v frekvenčnem območju od 30 MHz do 300 MHz. Primerjal sem tri metode merjenja: metodo merjena merilne moči po standardu EN 55014-1, metodo CDNE po standardu EN 50155 in SAC metodo po standardu EN 55016-2-3. Vsaka izmed teh metod ima svoje prednosti in slabosti, ki sem jih podrobno analiziral. Meritve so bile izvedene v posebnih komorah, obdanih z absorberji, pri čemer sem uporabil različne merilne instrumente za natančno določanje sevalnih emisij. Rezultati meritev so pokazali, da metoda merjenja motilne moči deluje najbolje pri nižjih frekvencah, vendar je manj zanesljiva pri višjih. CDNE metoda je bolj zanesljiva pri višjih frekvencah, a zahteva bolj zapleteno postavitev. SAC metoda je pokazala najboljše rezultate glede na natančnost in ponovljivost, vendar je tudi najbolj zahtevna glede opreme in pogojev merjenja. Vsi rezultati so predstavljeni v obliki grafov in slik, ki omogočajo jasen pregled nad frekvencami, kjer so se pojavile najmočnejše emisije. V zaključku je povzeta tematika diplomske naloge, in sicer so opisani glavni rezultati meritev treh metod za ovrednotenje elektromagnetne kompatibilnosti izdelkov.

Keywords:standard, EMC, CDN, sevalne emisije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159444 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201455363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of three methods for evaluating the electromagnetic compatibility of products
The theoretical part of this thesis focuses on understanding standardization, which is crucial for comprehending the thesis itself and the mission of institutions like SIQ. In this section, I have thoroughly examined the history of standard development and described three key standards: EN 55014-1, EN 55015, and EN 55016-2-3, which were used in the testing of radiated emissions of electronic devices. These standards provide guidelines and procedures to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of products, meaning that devices operate without causing electromagnetic interference. The second part of the thesis focuses on testing radiated emissions in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz. I compared three measurement methods: the Disturbance power method according to EN 55014-1, the CDNE method according to EN 50155, and the SAC method according to EN 55016-2-3. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, which I have analyzed in detail. The measurements were conducted in special chambers lined with absorbers, using various measuring instruments to accurately determine the radiated emissions. The results showed that the Disturbance power method works best at lower frequencies but is less reliable at higher frequencies. The CDNE method is more reliable at higher frequencies but requires a more complex setup. The SAC method demonstrated the best results in terms of accuracy and repeatability but is also the most demanding in terms of equipment and measurement conditions. All results are presented in the form of graphs and images, providing a clear overview of the frequencies where the strongest emissions occurred. The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the thesis, describing the key results of the measurements of the three methods for evaluating the electromagnetic compatibility of products.

Keywords:standard, EMC, CDN, radiation emissions

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