
Status slovenščine na avstrijskem Koroškem: Analiza jezikovne krajine : magistrsko delo
ID Matek, Ula (Author), ID Pirih Svetina, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj magistrske naloge je skozi prisotnost slovenščine na javnih napisih v Celovcu predstaviti pomen jezikovne krajine za slovensko narodno skupnost in status slovenskega jezika na omenjenem območju. V teoretičnem delu naloge je predstavljen zgodovinski okvir položaja slovenske manjšine na avstrijskem Koroškem. Časovni pregled sega od časa Habsburške monarhije do najsodobnejših podatkov o statusu slovenščine kot uradnega jezika, jezika topografskih označb, vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov ter društev in organizacij. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen koncept jezikovne krajine kot eden izmed sodobnejših pristopov raziskovanja večjezičnih okolij. Rezultati dokumentiranja pripomorejo k reševanju jezikovnopolitičnih vprašanj, še posebej v luči manjšinskega varstva, dajejo informacije o sociolingvistični konstrukciji poselitvenega območja in so eden izmed indikatorjev etnolingvistične vitalnosti skupnosti. V empiričnem delu jezikovna krajina predstavlja osrednji raziskovalni pristop. Skozi analizo 320 fotografij enojezičnih, dvo- in večjezičnih napisov s slovenščino na javnih in zasebnih ustanovah je analizirana prisotnost jezika v Celovcu, vrsta napisov, njihov izvor in vizualna podoba. Rezultati analiziranega korpusa dajejo informacije o statusu slovenščine in slovenske skupnosti v urbani družbi, o odnosu do jezika, spodbujanju k njegovi rabi in o položajih, kjer je slovenščina funkcionalni jezik.

Keywords:slovenščina, status jezika, avstrijska Koroška, koroški Slovenci, manjšina, jezikovna krajina, dvojezičnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Matek]
Number of pages:60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159421 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202116355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Status of the Slovene Language in Austrian Carinthia: An Analysis of the Linguistic Landscape : magistrsko delo
The aim of this thesis is to present the importance of the linguistic landscape for the Slovene community in Klagenfurt, and the status of the Slovene language in this area, through an analysis of the presence of Slovene on public signs. The first, theoretical part of the thesis presents the historical context of the Slovenian minority in Austrian Carinthia. This timeline extends from the time of the Habsburg Monarchy through to present-day status of Slovene as an official language, and as used by topographical markings, educational institutions, associations and organisations. The concept of the ‘linguistic landscape’, as one of the more contemporary approaches to the study of bilingual and multilingual environments, is then presented. The benefits of this approach are then discussed, including how analysing the linguistic landscape helps to address language policy issues, especially in the light of minority protection; provides information on the sociolinguistic construction of the settlement area; and acts as an indicator of the ethnolinguistic vitality of a community. The linguistic landscape then constitutes the central research approach adopted in the second, empirical part of the thesis. Through an analysis of 320 photographs of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual public signs featuring Slovene across Klagenfurt, this thesis analyses the presence of the Slovene language in the city, the type of signs, their origin, and their visual appearance. Conclusions are then drawn regarding the status of Slovene and the Slovene community in society, about attitudes towards the Slovene language and the extent to which the use of the language is encouraged, and regarding the contexts in which Slovene is a functional language.

Keywords:Slovene, language status, Austrian Carinthia, Carinthian Slovenes, minorities, linguistic landscape, bilingualism

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