
Jurčičeva domačija: pouk zgodovine in slovenščine v muzeju na prostem : magistrsko delo
ID Kovaček, Karin (Author), ID Žbogar, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Trškan, Danijela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava vlogo in pomen Josipa Jurčiča kot literata ter obdobje druge polovice 19. stoletja. Zastopanost obojega je predstavljena v učnih načrtih in nekaterih veljavnih učbenikih za zgodovino in slovenščino v 8. razredu osnovne šole. Ker na učinkovitost poučevanja in motivacijo učencev za dejavno pridobivanje znanja pomembno vplivajo tudi sodobni načini pouka, magistrsko delo izpostavlja tudi te, in sicer na primeru obravnave Josipa Jurčiča in obdobja, v katerem je deloval, kot pouk na prostem. V magistrskem delu izoblikujem model obravnave Jurčičevega ustvarjalnega opusa in spoznavanja obdobja med realizmom in romantiko, ki ga preizkusim na Jurčičevi domačiji – muzeju na prostem. Načrtovano učno uro izvedem z učenci 8. razreda osnovne šole. Uspešnost načrtovane učne ure ter izvedbe preverim z anketo: anketiram tako učitelje kot učence. Mnenja učiteljev in učencev po obisku muzeja na prostem so bila izrazito pozitivna. Analiza anket z osnovnošolskimi učitelji je pokazala njihovo pozitivno mnenje do izvajanja pouka na prostem, hkrati pa se zanj zaradi finančne in časovne stiske redko odločajo. Osnovnošolci so v anketi izrazili pozitiven vpliv alternativnih načinov pouka na njihovo znanje in motivacijo za nadaljnje delo. Spodbujanje pouka na prostem bi lahko prispevalo k bolj celovitemu in učinkovitemu učnemu procesu, ki bi bolje odražal potrebe učencev glede na spremembe družbenih okoliščin, ki terjajo bolj dejavnega učenca in dinamičen pouk.

Keywords:Josip Jurčič, Jurčičev ustvarjalni opus v osnovni šoli, obdobje med romantiko in realizmom, zgodovina, slovenščina, osnovna šola, sodobne oblike učenja in poučevanja, učni načrt, učbeniki, Jurčičeva domačija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ivančna Gorica [i.e. Ljubljana]
Publisher:K. Kovaček
Number of pages:165 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159417 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201369091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Homestead of Josip Jurčič: history and Slovenian language lessons in outdoor museum
The master's thesis examines the role and significance of Josip Jurčič as a writer and the period of the second half of the 19th century. The representation of both is presented in the curricula and some current textbooks for history and Slovene language in the 8th grade of primary school. Since alternative teaching methods significantly impact the effectiveness of teaching and the motivation of students to actively acquire knowledge, the master's thesis on the other hand also highlights these methods, specifically using the example of Josip Jurčič and the period in which he worked as outdoor teaching. In the master's thesis, I develop a model for studying Jurčič's creative opus and understanding the period between realism and romanticism, which I test at Jurčič's homestead – an open-air museum. I conduct the planned lesson with 8th-grade primary school students. The success of the planned lesson and its implementation is evaluated through a survey: I survey both teachers and students. The opinions of teachers and students after visiting the open-air museum were overwhelmingly positive. The analysis of the surveys with primary school teachers showed their positive opinion towards outdoor teaching, but they rarely opt for it due to financial and time constraints. Primary school students expressed in the survey the positive impact of alternative teaching methods on their knowledge and motivation for further work. Promoting outdoor teaching could contribute to a more comprehensive and effective learning process that better reflects the needs of students in light of changing social circumstances, which demand more active students and dynamic teaching.

Keywords:Josip Jurčič, Jurčič's creative opus in elementary school, period between romanticism and realism, history, Slovene language, elementary school, modern forms of learning and teaching, curriculum, textbooks, Jurčič's homestead

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