
Ocena kakovosti storitev v izbranem podjetju po modelu SERVQUAL
ID Papler, Gašper (Author), ID Benčina, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Storitve v sodobnih podjetjih predstavljajo temelj poslovanja. Vse več proizvodnih podjetij poizkuša v svoje produkte vpeljati storitve. Pri tem je zelo pomembno, da ohranijo kakovost produkta in mu omogočijo še boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo preko dodane vrednosti storitev. Proces dodajanja storitev k produktom imenujemo storitvizacija. Glavni problem, ki ga imajo proizvodne organizacije, je ravno v tem, da je težko storitvizirati določen produkt in ga ustrezno ponuditi strankam. V okviru magistrskega dela smo preučevali zaznano kakovost storitev v izbranem podjetju, pri čemer smo postavili pet hipotez. Prve tri hipoteze so se osredotočale na primerjavo ocen zaznane kakovosti storitev med zaposlenimi, vodstvom in distributerji. Za preverjanje prvih treh hipotez smo uporabili Mann-Whitney U test, saj posamezne dimenzije kakovosti storitev niso bile normalno porazdeljene. Rezultati so pokazali, da se kakovost storitev med zaposlenimi in vodstvom statistično ne razlikuje, medtem ko se med zaposlenimi in distributerji ter med vodstvom in distributerji statistično pomembno razlikujejo. Četrte hipoteze, s katero smo predpostavljali, da je največja priložnost za izboljšanje za organizacijo Iskra Medical povezana s storitvijo nadgradenj zastarelih produktov, nismo potrdili. Analiza s parnim t-testom ni pokazala statistično pomembnih razlik med povprečnimi ocenami te storitve in drugimi izbranimi storitvami. Nadalje smo preverili še peto hipotezo, s katero smo predpostavljali razlike v ocenah kakovosti storitev med distributerji podjetja Iskra Medical in distributerji proizvodnega podjetja solarnih izdelkov v Indiji. Analiza s t-testom za en vzorec je pokazala statistično pomembne razlike med ocenami v več dimenzijah kakovosti storitev, kot so empatija, zanesljivost, odzivnost in otipljivost.

Keywords:kakovost storitev, storitvizacija, modeli kakovosti, SERVQUAL
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Papler]
Number of pages:X, 72 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159380 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.07.2024
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Title:Quality assessment of services in the selected company using servqual gap analysis
Services in modern companies are the foundation of business. More and more manufacturing companies are trying to introduce services into their products. That is why it is very important to maintain the quality of the product and provide it with an even better user experience through added value services. The process of adding services to products is called servitization. The main problem that production organizations have is precisely that it is difficult to service a certain product and offer it to customers accordingly. As part of the master's thesis, we studied the perceived quality of services in the selected company, and we set five hypotheses. The first three hypotheses focused on the comparison of ratings of perceived service quality among employees, management, and distributors. To test the first three hypotheses, we used the Mann-Whitney U test, since the individual service quality dimensions were not normally distributed. The results showed that service quality did not statistically differ between employees and management, while there were statistically significant differences between employees and distributors and between management and distributors. We did not confirm the fourth hypothesis, which assumed that the greatest opportunity for improvement for the Iskra Medical organization is related to the service of upgrading outdated products. A paired t-test analysis showed no statistically significant differences between the mean ratings of this service and the other selected services. We further tested the fifth hypothesis, which assumed differences in service quality ratings between distributors of Iskra Medical and distributors of a solar product manufacturing company in India. One-sample t-test analysis revealed statistically significant differences between ratings on several dimensions of service quality, such as empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and tangibility.

Keywords:service quality, servitization, quality models, SERVQUAL

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