
Volilna kampanja v digitalni dobi
ID Milin, Nikola (Author), ID Zagorc, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Volilna kampanja kot tip politične kampanje je dejavnost političnih strank in kandidatov določeno obdobje pred volitvami, s katero poskušajo prepričati volivce, da jih volijo. Glede na to, da je rezultat volitev izbira določenega kandidata kot novega predstavnika ljudstva, je seveda ključnega pomena v moderni, zreli družbi, da je ta postopek čim bolj demokratičen, enakopraven, pošten in transparenten. To so razlogi, ki terjajo, da je volilna kampanja praviloma pravno urejena. Z razvojem tehnologije v digitalni dobi pa se, kot marsikatero drugo področje, tudi volilne kampanje soočajo z novimi izzivi. Magistrska naloga obravnava razvoj volilne kampanje vse do moderne, digitalno preplete dobe. Na primeru odmevnega škandala Cambridge Analytica je predstavljen pojav mikrotargetiranja kot najbolj modernega orodja digitalnih volilnih kampanj ter njegov vpliv na demokratične procese v družbi. Mikrotargetiranje lahko razumemo kot uporabo tehnik algoritemske analize za spodbujanje politične zavesti in vedenja ljudi v skladu s skritimi političnimi interesi, ki jih je mogoče izvesti z izkoriščanjem izjemno velikih količin osebnih podatkov, pogosto brez aktivne vednosti in razumevanja uporabnikov. Pri tem prihaja do kršitev zasebnosti in pravice do varstva osebnih podatkov volivcev. Ker mora zakonodaja slediti razvoju tehnologij v družbi, je zaradi pasti, ki izhajajo iz uporabe tehnik političnega mikrotargetiranja, zelo pomembno nasloviti to področje, vendar je hkrati potrebno biti zelo pozoren, saj se z urejanjem in omejevanjem mikrotargetiranja kot oblike političnega govora posega v svobodo izražanja političnih akterjev.

Keywords:Volilna kampanja, mikrotargetiranje, digitalna doba, družbeni mediji, varstvo osebnih podatkov, svoboda izražanja, regulacija, demokracija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159344 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203240451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2024
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Title:Election campaign in the digital age
Election campaigning, as a type of political campaigning, is the activity of political parties and candidates for a certain period of time before an election to try to persuade voters to vote for them. Given that the outcome of an election is the selection of a particular candidate as the new representative of the people, it is of course crucial in a modern, mature society that this process be as democratic, equal, fair and transparent as possible. These are the reasons that make it necessary, as a rule, to regulate the election campaign. However, with the development of technology in the digital age, electoral campaigns, like many other areas, face new challenges. This Master's thesis examines the evolution of election campaigning up to the modern, digitally intertwined era. Using the notorious Cambridge Analytica scandal as a case study, the emergence of microtargeting as the most modern tool of digital election campaigns and its impact on democratic processes in society is presented. Microtargeting can be understood as the use of algorithmic analysis techniques to stimulate people's political awareness and behaviour in line with hidden political interests, which can be carried out by exploiting extremely large amounts of personal data, often without the active knowledge and understanding of the users. This violates the privacy and data protection rights of voters. As legislation needs to keep pace with the development of technologies in society, the pitfalls arising from the use of political microtargeting techniques make it especially important to address this area, but at the same time, it is necessary to be very vigilant, as regulating and restricting microtargeting as a form of political speech infringes on the freedom of expression of political actors.

Keywords:Election campaign, microtargeting, digital age, social media, data protection, freedom of expression, regulation, democracy

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