
Antična grška filozofija na presečišču mythosa in logosa
ID Lubšina, Srečko (Author), ID Zore, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi raziskujem kompleksen odnos mythosa in logosa v antični grški filozofiji. Skozi zgodovinski oris nekaterih vidnejših teorij mita skušam najprej pokazati, da o mythosu ne moremo govoriti le kot o preprosti zbirki zmotnih zgodb in da sta bila sama izraza izvorno nosilca povsem drugačnih pomenov, kot se jih je uporabljajo v kasnejših obdobjih. Pomembno vlogo pri tej premeni je imel nastanek mestnih državic (polis), v okviru katerih je v grški misli prišlo do postopnega zatona nekaterih oblik mitske zavesti in pojava novih pristopov k vednosti, med njimi filozofije. Skozi razumevanje ambivalentnega razmerja mythos/logos v misli Homerja in Hezioda, prvih filozofov physisa, sofistike in naposled še Platona in Aristotela, skušam pokazati, da antična grška filozofija t. i. prehoda »od mythosa k logosu« ni opravila v celoti ali na način, ki se ga običajno razume kot dokončno prevlado racionalne misli.

Keywords:mit, mythos, logos, »od mythosa k logosu«, mythos in filozofija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159324 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Ancient Greek philosophy at the intersection of mythos and logos
In my thesis, I explore the complex relationship between mythos and logos in ancient Greek philosophy. Through a historical outline of some of the more prominent theories of myth, I first try to show that mythos cannot be spoken of as a simple collection of erroneous stories and that the terms themselves originally carried quite different meanings from those used in later periods. An important role in this transformation was played by the emergence of the city-states (polis), in the context of which Greek thought witnessed the gradual decline of certain forms of mythic consciousness and the emergence of new approaches to knowledge, among them philosophy. Through an understanding of the ambivalent mythos/logos relationship in the thought of Homer and Hesiod, the first philosophers of physis, the Sophists and, finally, Plato and Aristotle, I seek to show that ancient Greek philosophy did not make the so-called transition “from mythos to logos” in its entirety or in the way that is usually understood as the supremacy of rational thought.

Keywords:myth, mythos, logos, "from mythos to logos", mythos and philosophy

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