
Doživljanje izzivov staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami, vključenih v redne oddelke v vrtcih : magistrsko delo
ID Kozlevčar, Katja (Author), ID Jerebic, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava doživljanje izzivov šestih staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ki so vključeni v redne oddelke vrtcev. V teoretičnem delu so opredeljene glavne značilnosti posameznih skupin otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Predstavljeni so najpogostejši izzivi staršev, ki se pričnejo že z rojstvom otroka s posebnimi potrebami, ko se starši začnejo soočati z različnimi občutji in sprejemanjem drugačnosti. Ob tem pa se spreminja družinska dinamika, čemur je pogosto pridružena tudi časovna in finančna stiska. Ker starši te izzive težko premagujejo sami, so predstavljene možnosti podpore. Najpomembnejša je dobra informiranost, poleg tega pa tudi strokovna podpora, družina in prijatelji ter podporne skupine. Ko se otrok s posebnimi potrebami začne vključevati v vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem, se pojavijo novi izzivi. Opisan je proces vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami s poudarkom na rednem programu vrtca in sodelovanju staršev pri vključevanju otrok. V empiričnem delu so s pomočjo fenomenološke metode predstavljeni rezultati, ki so razdeljeni na šest glavnih tem: doživljanje izzivov, dejavniki za uspešno vključevanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami v redni oddelek, pričakovanja in doživljanje vključevanja otrok v redni oddelek, doživljanje sodelovanja z vrtcem in prilagoditve otrokom s posebnimi potrebami, podpora staršem ter najpogostejše pozitivne in negativne izkušnje. Rezultati so pokazali, da se starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami pri vključevanju v redne oddelke srečujejo s številnimi izzivi, ki jih različno doživljajo. Kljub vsemu starši ostajajo optimistični in vztrajni, vsak najmanjši napredek pa jim da moč in upanje za prihodnost. Rezultati magistrskega dela so lahko v pomoč predvsem staršem otrok s posebnimi potrebami, strokovnim delavcem v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah in psihoterapevtom. Prav tako lahko pomagajo vsem, ki si prizadevajo za izboljšanje inkluzije in razumevanje izzivov družin z otroki s posebnimi potrebami.

Keywords:otroci s posebnimi potrebami, starši, izzivi, predšolska vzgoja, redni oddelek, inkluzija, sodelovanje vrtca in staršev, podpora, fenomenološka metoda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Kozlevčar]
Number of pages:X, 63, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159293 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203729155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing the challenges faced by parents of children with special needs included in regular kindergarten classes
This master's thesis addresses the experiencing the challenges faced by six parents of children with special needs who are included in regular kindergarten classes. The theoretical part defines the main characteristics of different groups of children with special needs. It presents the most common challenges parents face, starting with the birth of a child with special needs, when parents begin to cope with various emotions and the acceptance of differences. Alongside this, family dynamics change, often accompanied by time and financial pressures. Since parents find it difficult to overcome these challenges on their own, various support options are presented. The most important is being well-informed and supported by professionals, family and friends, and support groups. New challenges arrive, when a child with special needs begins to integrate into the educational system. This work describes the process of educating children with special needs with an emphasis the regular kindergarten program and parental involvement in their inclusion. In the empirical part, the results are presented using the phenomenological method. They are divided into six main themes: experiencing challenges, factors for the successful inclusion of children with special needs in regular classes, expectations and experiences of inclusion in regular classes, experiences of cooperation with the kindergarten and adjustments for children with special needs, support for parents, and the most common positive and negative experiences. The results showed that parents of children with special needs encounter numerous challenges in the inclusion process, which they experience differently. Despite the challenges parents remain optimistic and persistent, with every small progress giving them strength and hope for the future. The results of the master's thesis can be helpful primarily to parents of children with special needs, educational professionals, and psychotherapists. They can also assist all those striving to improve inclusion and understanding of the challenges faced by families with children with special needs.

Keywords:children with special needs, parents, challenges, preschool education, regular class, inclusion, cooperation between kindergarten and parents, support, phenomenological method

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