
Primerjava metod za določanje tumorskih označevalcev CA 125 in CA 15-3 na analizatorjih Centaur XP Advia in cobas e 801
ID Trost, Teo (Author), ID Kolar, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tumorski označevalec CA 125 je dober pokazatelj raka na jajčnikih. Gre za od 200 do 1600 kDa velik transmembranski glikoprotein, znan tudi kot mucin 16. Tumorski označevalec CA 15-3 je v veliki meri povezan z rakom na dojki in ga imenujemo tudi mucin 1. Tudi ta je velik transmembranski glikoprotein. Serumska koncentracija obeh označevalcev je lahko povišana tudi pri nekaterih drugih boleznih, zato se določanje koncentracije le-teh ne uporablja kot presejalni test za ti dve vrsti raka. Poznavanje koncentracije tumorskih označevalcev je uporabno predvsem v spremljanju bolezni že diagnosticiranih pacientov, pri ugotavljanju, ali zastavljena terapija deluje. Do sedaj so koncentraciji CA 125 in CA 15-3 določevali z imunskim testom, in sicer z metodo kemiluminiscence. Tvori se specifičen imunski kompleks antigen-protitelo. Protitelo je v tem primeru označeno z luminiscenčno molekulo. Merimo emisijo vidne oziroma skoraj vidne svetlobe valovnih dolžin λ = 300 – 800 nm, ki je posledica kemijske reakcije. V diplomskem delu smo primerjali kemiluminiscenco in elektrokemiluminiscenco. Slednja naj bi bila bolj natančna in se od kemiluminiscence razlikuje po načinu sprožitve kemijske reakcije. Po odvzemu krvi smo pripravili vzorec seruma. Najprej smo izmerili koncentracijo tumorskih označevalcev na analizatorju Centaur XP Advia (kemiluminiscenca), nato še na analizatorju cobas e 801 (elektrokemiluminiscenca). Rezultate smo s pomočjo programa MedCalc podali v obliki diagramov za primerjavo metod in ugotovili, da sta metodi primerljivi. Opažene razlike z vidika diagnostike niso relevantne in signifikantne.

Keywords:tumorski označevalec, imunski test, kemiluminiscenca, elektrokemiluminiscenca
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159274 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203379459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2024
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Title:Comparison of methods for determining tumor markers CA 125 and CA 15-3 on Centaur XP Advia and cobas e 801 analyzers
The tumor marker CA 125 is a good indicator for ovarian cancer. It is a large transmembrane glycoprotein (200 to 1600 kDa), also known as mucin 16. The tumor marker CA 15-3 is largely associated with breast cancer. It is otherwise known as mucin 1 and is also a transmembrane glycoprotein. As some other diseases can elevate the serum concentration of these tumor markers, determining their concentration is not used as a screening test for the two cancer types. Knowing the concentration of these markers is especially useful in monitoring the disease in patients who have already been diagnosed in order to see if the treatment is effective. Until now, the concentrations of CA 125 and CA 15-3 have been determined with an immunoassay, namely with the chemiluminescence method. During the determination, a specific antigen-antibody immune complex is formed. In this case, the antibody is labeled with a luminescent molecule, which emits visible or near-visible light with wavelengths λ = 300 – 800 nm. The emission is the result of a chemical reaction. In this thesis we compared the methods of chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence. The latter is supposedly more precise and differs from chemiluminescence in the manner of activation of the chemical reaction. After blood collection, a serum sample was prepared. Then the concentration of tumor markers was first measured on the Centaur XP Advia analyzer (chemiluminescence), and then on the cobas e 801 analyzer (electrochemiluminescence). We presented the results in the form of method comparison and evaluation diagrams using the MedCalc statistical program. We concluded that the two methods are comparable and the observed differences are not relevant from a diagnostics' point of view.

Keywords:tumor marker, immunoassay, chemiluminescence, electrochemiluminescence

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