
Senzorična sprejemljivost sladoleda s preoblikovano sestavo
ID Buda, Ana (Author), ID Korošec, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mohar Lorbeg, Petra (Comentor)

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Namen raziskave je bil določiti razlike v fizikalno-kemijskih in senzoričnih lastnostih standardnega vzorca v primerjavi z reformuliranim vzorcem sladoleda na palčki. Analizirali smo štiri pare vzorcev, ki smo jim določili hranilne vrednosti s fizikalno-kemijskimi analizami in iz podatkov izračunali vrednost Nutri-Score. S senzorično analizo smo s preskusom primerjave v parih preverjali, če obstajajo razlike v sladkosti med vzorcema v paru. Z opisno metodo »Označi vse kar ustreza« (CATA) smo določili opisnike, ki jih mladi potrošniki povezujejo z vzorci. Na koncu smo z ocenjevanjem na 9-točkovni lestvici določili stopnjo ugajanja posameznih senzoričnih lastnosti in celokupno všečnost vsakega vzorca. Pripravili smo tudi anketni vprašalnik o potrošniških navadah, povezanih z uživanjem sladoleda. Reformulirani vzorci so imeli manjšo vsebnost ogljikovih hidratov, sladkorjev in posledično nižjo energijsko vrednost. Vsebovali so več prehranskih vlaknin in beljakovin. Vsebnost maščob se je statistično razlikovala le pri dveh parih, kjer je imel reformuliran vzorec nižjo vrednost. Prav tako so reformulirani vzorci prejeli Nutri-Score oceno C, medtem ko so standardni vzorci prejeli za en razred slabšo oceno D. Pri treh parih smo dokazali razliko v intenzivnosti sladkega okusa. V ocenjevanju z metodo CATA se je večina opisnikov v paru skladala in prav tako pri hedonskem ocenjevanju znotraj parov ni bilo značilnih razlik med povprečnimi hedonskimi ocenami. Rezultati anketnega vprašalnika so pokazali, da študentje uživajo sladoled najpogosteje poleti, nekajkrat na teden s prijatelji ali kot posladek. Večina ni pozornih na hranilno vrednost sladoleda, najljubši so jim tradicionalni okusi in raje imajo mlečni sladoled v kornetu, ki ga pogosteje kupijo v trgovinah.

Keywords:živila, sladoled, reformulacija, preoblikovanje živil, hranilna vrednost, senzorične lastnosti, Nutri-Score, potrošniško vedenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Buda]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159272 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200804611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Sensory acceptance of reformulated ice cream
The aim of this research was to determine the differences in the physical-chemical and sensory properties of the standard sample compared to the reformulated samples of ice cream on a stick. We analyzed four pairs of samples, for which we determined the nutritional values by physical-chemical analysis and calculated the Nutri-Score value from the data. Sensory analysis was used to determine differences in sweetness within pairs using a paired comparison discrimination test. Using the descriptive 'Check all that apply' (CATA) method, we determined the descriptors that young consumers associate with the samples. With a 9-point scale, we rated their attribute liking of and the overall liking. We also prepared a questionnaire on consumer habits related to the consumption of ice cream. The reformulated samples had a low content of carbohydrates, sugars and consequently a lower energy value. They had a higher value of dietary fiber and protein. The fat content was statistically different only in two pairs, where the reformulated sample had a lower value. The reformulated samples received a Nutri-Score score of C, while the standard samples received one grade worse score of D. In three pairs, we determined a difference in the intensity of sweetness. In the evaluation with CATA, most of the descriptors in the pair were similar, and in the hedonic evaluation, there were no significant differences in liking within the pairs. In the questionnaire, we determined that students consume ice cream most often in the summer, several times a week with friends or as a dessert. Most of them do not pay attention to the nutritional value of ice cream, they prefer traditional flavors, milk ice cream in a cone, which is more often bought in stores.

Keywords:foods, ice cream, food reformulation, nutritional value, sensory properties, Nutri-Score, consumer behaviour

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