
Vpliv vodnih izvlečkov bukovega ostrigarja Pleurotus ostreatus na mikrobiološko obstojnost kruha
ID Burgar, Jerneja (Author), ID Klančnik, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šoronja-Simović, Dragana (Comentor)

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V sklopu magistrske naloge smo uporabili hladnovodni (HI) in vročevodni izvleček (VI) gobe bukovega ostrigarja (Pleurotus ostreatus). Kruh smo pripravili po treh različnih metodah (i) priprava kontrolnega kruha – kruh K, (ii) priprava testa z zamenjavo dela vode z dodatkom vročevodnega izvlečka – kruh VI2 in kruh VI10 in (iii) priprava kruha K na katerega smo z razprševanjem nanesli vročevodni ter hladnovodni izvleček. Določili smo reološke lastnosti testa za kruh K, kruh VI2 in kruh VI10 in dokazali, da dodatek VI vpliva na reološke lastnosti. Z dodatkom VI zmanjšamo odpornost testa na mešanje. Izvedli smo kemijske analize uporabljene moke, izvlečkov ter kruha. Ovrednotili smo vpliv dodatka VI v testo. Določili smo fizikalne, tehnološke, mikrobiološke in senzorične lastnosti kruha pripravljenega z dodatkom VI in primerjali rezultate z rezultati kruha K. Z dodatkom VI v testo vplivamo na videz sredice kruha, ki ima z večjim dodatkom VI večje pore in je bolj neenakomerno luknjičava. Z dodatkom izvlečka minimalno vplivamo na specifični volumen kruha in barvo (skorje in sredice). Z dodatkom VI v testo povečamo vrednost aw in posledično izboljšamo pogoje za mikrobiološki kvar kruha. Literaturni podatki pripisujejo gobi bukov ostrigar protimikrobne lastnosti. Z dodajanjem dodatka VI v testo in z nanosom dodatka VI in HI na površino pečenega kruha nismo dokazali daljše mikrobiološke obstojnosti kruha. Glede na izvedeno senzorično analizo zaključujemo, da dodatek VI v testo nima negativnega vpliva na senzorično vščenost kruha.

Keywords:kruh, fermentacija, funkcionalna živila, bukov ostrigar, Pleurotus ostreatus, reološke lastnosti testa, vročevodni izvleček, hladnovodni izvleček, plesni, mikrobiološki kvar, mikrobiološka obstojnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[J. Burgar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159271 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200796163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of Pleurotus ostreatus aqueous extracts on microbiological stability of bread
In scope of master's thesis, we investigated the effect of hot water extract (HI) and cold water extract (VI) of the mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. We prepared bread using three different methods: (i) preparation of control bread - bread K, (ii) preparation of dough with the replacement of part of water with the addition of hot water extract - bread VI2 and bread VI10, and (iii) preparation of bread K to which we applied hot water and cold water extract by spraying. We determined the rheological properties of the dough for bread K, bread VI2, and bread VI10, and demonstrated that the addition of VI influences the rheological properties. By adding VI, we reduce the dough's resistance to mixing. We conducted chemical analyses of the used flour, extracts and bread. We evaluated the impact of adding VI to the dough compared to bread K regarding the physical, technological, microbiological, and sensory properties of the bread. Adding VI to the dough affects the crumb appearance of the bread, resulting in larger pores and a more unevenly holey structure with a higher amount of VI added. Adding the extract minimally affects the specific volume and color of the bread (crust and crumb). By adding VI to the dough, we increase the aw value, thereby improving the conditions for microbial spoilage of the bread. The mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus exhibits antimicrobial properties, which we did not demonstrate by adding VI to the dough or applying VI and HI to the surface of the baked bread. Based on the conducted sensory analysis, we conclude that adding VI to the dough does not have a negative impact on the sensory quality of the bread.

Keywords:bread, fermentation, functional foods, oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, dough rheology, hot water extract, cold water extract, fungi, microbiological spoilage, microbiological shelf-life

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