The master's thesis examines the state of tourism and sustainable mobility in the
municipalities of Velike Lašče and Dobrepolje, exploring potentials for the
development of sustainable tourism and mobility. The study includes an analysis of
residents' mobility, opinions on public transport, the quality of tourist infrastructure,
and desires for participation in tourism development. Findings indicate that despite
high costs, the majority of residents prefer using cars. Public transport usage is low,
mainly due to the preference for private transportation. Both municipalities face
similar challenges such as dispersed settlement, low frequency of public transport
departures, and a lack of alternative transportation options. Nevertheless, both
municipalities are striving to develop sustainable forms of mobility, such as renting
electric bicycles and activities within the framework of the European Mobility Week.
In terms of tourism, there is noticeable development of hiking trails, but there is a
shortage of accommodation, promotion, and culinary offerings related to local
producers. The SWOT analysis has identified key measures for improving mobility
and developing sustainable tourism, which are presented on the action plan map. A
common opportunity for both municipalities lies in collaboration and cooperation in
the development of tourism and sustainable mobility, taking into account the rich
cultural and natural heritage. The area has great potential for sustainable mobility and
tourism, with the municipality of Velike Lašče already developing tourist products and
connecting stakeholders. The proposed actions include renovating cultural heritage
sites into accommodation facilities, establishing a local bus route, bike rental stations,
road reconstruction, and the installation of bike repair stations. These measures, along
with minimal spatial interventions, will improve daily mobility for residents and
enhance connectivity and accessibility for tourists.