
Sistematični pregled odnosa med fiziološkim statusom vitamina D in atopijskim dermatitisom z upoštevanjem vpliva geografskih dejavnikov
ID Fišer, Metka (Author), ID Tavčar, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vidak, Marko (Comentor)

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Atopijski dermatitis je najpogostejša vnetna kožna bolezen razvitega sveta in ena najpogostejših kroničnih bolezni nasploh. Možne sprožitvene dejavnike za atopijski dermatitis se povezuje s sodobnim načinom življenja, ki se med drugim odraža v danes zelo razširjenem pomanjkanju vitamina D. Vitamin D se v etiologijo in patogenezo atopijskega dermatitisa vpleta preko svoje vloge pri zagotavljanju ustreznega delovanja imunskega sistema in kožne bariere. Pozitivni učinki dodajanja vitamina D na izboljšanje simptomov atopijskega dermatitisa so bili potrjeni v številnih kliničnih študijah. Kljub temu dodajanje vitamina D kot možna podporna terapija pri bolnikih z atopijskim dermatitisom še ni uveljavljena, kar se v veliki meri pripisuje težavni interpretaciji metodološko heterogenih kliničnih študij. K temu prispeva tudi pogojenost fiziološkega statusa vitamina D s številnimi naravnogeografskimi in družbenogeografskimi dejavniki. V magistrski nalogi smo preverjali hipotezo, da na odnos med fiziološkim statusom vitamina D in simptomi atopijskega dermatitisa vplivajo zemljepisna širina, osončenost in razvitost držav izvajanja kliničnih študij. V ta namen smo izvedli sistematični pregled literature na temo vitamina D in atopijskega dermatitisa ter korelacijsko analizo izbranih spremenljivk. Rezultate korelacijske analize smo primerjali z rezultati na osnovi podatkov policentrične študije z velikim vzorcem vključenih pacientov. Dokazali smo korelacijo fiziološkega statusa vitamina D z razvitostjo države. Korelacijo fiziološkega statusa vitamina D z osončenostjo smo le delno potrdili, nismo pa dokazali korelacije fiziološkega statusa vitamina D z zemljepisno širino. Prav tako nismo dokazali vpliva obravnavanih geografskih dejavnikov na korelacijo med fiziološkim statusom vitamina D in simptomi atopijskega dermatitisa ter na spremembo indeksa SCORAD kot posledico intervencije z vitaminom D. Pri analizi podatkov so nas omejevali neenotna metodologija kliničnih študij, majhno število enot v vzorcih in majhna variabilnost podatkov za fiziološki status vitamina D (predvsem pomanjkanje vrednosti v referenčnem okvirju in nad njim). V populaciji bolnikov z atopijskim dermatitisom smo opazili razširjeno pomanjkanje vitamina D, kar po našem mnenju kaže na potrebo po rednem preverjanju fiziološkega statusa vitamina D v tej skupini.

Keywords:atopijski dermatitis, vitamin D, geografski dejavniki, korelacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159250 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Systematic review of the relationship between vitamin’s D physiological status and atopic dermatitis, considering the influence of geographic factors
Atopic dermatitis is the most common inflammatory skin disease in the developed world and one of the most common chronic diseases overall. Possible triggers for atopic dermatitis are associated with the modern way of life, which is reflected, among other things, in the currently widespread deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin D is involved in the etiology and pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis through its role in ensuring the proper functioning of the immune system and the skin barrier. The positive effects of vitamin D supplementation to improve symptoms of atopic dermatitis have been confirmed in numerous clinical studies. However, vitamin D supplementation has not yet become an established adjunctive therapy for patients with atopic dermatitis, largely due to difficult interpretation of methodologically heterogeneous clinical studies. Another contributing factor is the dependency of vitamin D physiological status on natural and social geographical factors. In this master’s thesis, we examined the hypothesis that the relationship between the vitamin’s D physiological status and the symptoms of atopic dermatitis depends on the geographical latitude, sunshine duration, and development level of the countries where clinical studies are conducted. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature review on the topic of vitamin D and atopic dermatitis, followed by a correlation analysis of selected variables. The data from a multicenter study with a large sample of included patients were also included in the correlation analysis. There was a correlation between vitamin D physiological status and development level. We only partially confirmed the correlation between vitamin D physiological status and sunshine duration, but we did not demonstrate the correlation between vitamin D physiological status and geographical latitude. Similarly, we did not demonstrate the confounding effect of the analyzed geographical factors on the relationship between vitamin D physiological status and symptoms of atopic dermatitis or on the change in the SCORAD index because of vitamin D intervention. The data analysis was limited by inconsistent methodologies of clinical studies, a small number of sample units and limited variability of data (especially a lack of vitamin D physiological status data within the reference range or above it). We observed a widespread vitamin D deficiency in the population of patients with atopic dermatitis. In our opinion, this indicates the need to periodically check vitamin D physiological status in this group of patients.

Keywords:atopic dermatitis, vitamin D, geographical factors, correlation

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