
(Samo)nadzorovanje skozi zgodovino in razvoj novih tehnik nadzorovanja v času pandemije covida-19 : diplomsko delo
ID Pugelj, Natalija (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo ugotavlja, kako je nadzor s strani pristojnih organov ali tehnologij vplival na t. i. samonadzor. V času koronavirusa so se oblikovale in razvile nove tehnologije in pristopi, ki so pripomogli k nadzoru nad ljudmi in njihovimi dejanji. Zaradi visoke smrtnosti, ki jo je povzročil virus, je večina držav, med njimi tudi Slovenija, uvedla ukrepe in pravila za namen preprečevanja širjenja koronavirusa. Ljudje bi se v teoriji morali po določenem času privaditi, sprejeti in ponotranjiti določena (ustrezna) vedenja, ki so jih sprejeli pristojni organi. Rezultat tega bi moral biti, da bi ta vedenja vzeli za samoumevna, zato nadzor s strani pristojnih organov in tehnologij sčasoma ne bi smel biti več potreben. Ključno vprašanje pri tem je, na kakšen način je zunanji nadzor s pomočjo različnih tehnologij in pristopov vplival na t. i. samonadzor in vedenje ljudi. Videti je, da je zunanji nadzor najbolj vplival na ljudi, ki so tovrstna pravila in ukrepe sprejeli kot nujne in se prilagodili v dobrobit skupnosti in vzpostavitve »normalnega« stanja, zato so tovrstna nujna pravila in pričakovana vedenja verjetno hitreje ponotranjili in jih vzeli za samoumevne kot tisti ljudje, ki niso verjeli v njihovo učinkovitost.

Keywords:virus covid-19, nadzor, samonadzor, tehnologije nadzora, pristojni organi za nadzor.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Pugelj]
Number of pages:48 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159223 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202033155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Self(control) Through History and the Development of New Techniques of Control During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The thesis tries to shed light on the question of how control by official authorities or technologies affects so-called self-control. Throughout history, many infectious diseases have emerged for various reasons, causing many deaths, and control techniques have been introduced to limit their spread. During the coronavirus era, new technologies and approaches were formed and developed to help control people and their actions. Due to the high lethality of the virus, most countries, including Slovenia, have introduced measures and rules to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In theory, after a certain period of time, people should get used to, accept and internalize certain (appropriate) behaviors adopted by the competent authorities. Theoretically, the moral result of this would be that these behaviors would be taken for granted, so control by authorities and technologies should eventually no longer be necessary. The key question here is how has external control, through various technologies and approaches, influenced people’s so-called self-control and behavior? It seems that external control had the greatest impact on people who accepted such rules and measures as necessary and adapted for the benefit of the community and the establishment or a “normal” state of affairs, and were therefore more likely to internalize and take for granted such necessary rules and expected behaviors than those people who did not believe in their effectiveness.

Keywords:virus covid-19, control, self-control, techniques of control, competent supervisory authorities.

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