
Kambijeva cona in floem v obdobju mirovanja pri bukvi (Fagus sylvatica) z rastišča pri Šentjurju : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Ulamec, Robi (Author), ID Čufar, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gričar, Jožica (Reviewer)

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Na 6 drevesih navadne bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) z rastišča pri Šentjurju pri Celju smo raziskali kambijevo cono in floem v obdobju mirovanja pozimi od 20. 11. 2009 do 25. 4. 2010. Vzorce intaktnih tkiv lesa, kambija in skorje smo odvzemali v dvo- oz. enotedenskih intervalih. Tkiva smo vklopili v parafin in s pomočjo rotacijskega mikrotoma narezali mikroskopske preparate prečnih prerezov debeline 8 do 10 ßm, ki smo jih obarvali s safraninom in astra modrim barvilom in vklopili v evparal. Za analizo škroba smo preparate odrezali z drsnim mikrotomom in jih obarvali z jodom. Analizo smo opravili s svetlobnim mikroskopom in sistemom za analizo slike. Opazovali smo dormantno kambijevo cono ter nediferencirane floemske in novo nastale ksilemske celice. Dormantna kambijeva cona je v povprečju vsebovala 4 do 5 slojev celic, po 18. 4. 2010 pa je število celic naraslo. Število nediferenciranih sitastih celic je bilo skozi dormantno obdobje med 1 in 2 slojema v radialnem nizu. Prve novonastale floemske celice pa so se pojavile 18. 4. 2010; takrat smo zabeležili v povprečju 4 sloje celic. Prve novo nastale ksilemske celice so se pojavile teden kasneje, in sicer 25. 4. 2010. Pri analizi škroba smo določili površinski delež temneje obarvanih škrobnih zrn v parenhimskih celicah lesa, ki so se bolje videle v prečnem kot v radialnem prerezu. Pri analizi škroba bi nam večje število analiziranih preparatov omogočilo bolj natančno ovrednotenje rezultatov.

Keywords:bukev, Fagus sylvatica L., kambij, les, floem, mirovanje, reaktivacija, beech, Fagus sylvatica L., cambium, wood, phloem, dormance, reactivation
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:R. Ulamec
Number of pages:VIII, 38 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159183 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1955977 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Cambial zone and phloem in dormant period in beech (Fagus sylvatica) from the site near Šentjur, Slovenia : graduation thesis - higher professional studies
We researched the cambial zone and phloem in 6 beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) from the site near Šentjur during a period of winter dormancy, from 20th November 2009 until 25th April 2010. Intact tissue samples of wood, cambium and bark were taken in 1 or 2 week intervals. We embedded tissues in paraffin and used a rotary microtome to cut 8-10 ßm thick microscopic slides, which we stained with safranine and astra blue, and embedded in euparal. To analyse starch, we cut the slides using a sliding microtome and stained them with iodine. We used a light microscope and an image analysis system for the analysis. We observed the dormant cambial zone and the adjacent undifferentiated phloem and xylem cells. On average, the dormant cambial zone contained 4 to 5 layers of cells, after 18th April 2010, the number of cells increased. The number of undifferentiated sieve cells varied during the period of dormancy between 1 and 2 layers per radial row, and the first newly formed phloem cells appeared on 18th April 2010. At that time we recorded on average 4 layers of newly formed cells. The first newly formed xylem cells appeared one week later, on 25th April 2010. In our analysis of starch, we determined the surface portion of darker starch grains in parenchyma cells of the wood. Compared to the radial section, these grains were more clearly visible in the transversal section. It was shown that we should analyse a greater number of slides to obtain more reliable results on starch portions.

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