
Izpiranje borovih učinkovin iz impregniranega lesa z različnimi pripravki na osnovi polietilenskih voskov in borove kisline : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Košir, Marko (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lesar, Boštjan (Comentor), ID Petrič, Marko (Reviewer)

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Borove spojine so že v majhnih koncentracijah učinkovit biocid, ki ne škoduje ljudem in okolju. Žal pa se slabo veže v les in se, posledično, iz lesa izpira. Da bi zmanjšali izpiranje bora iz lesa, smo borove pripravke kombinirali z različnimi koncentracijami 2 različic polietilenskih voskov (We1in We6) proizvajalca BASF. Pripravili smo 10 različnih pripravkov z 0,1 % ali 0,5 % koncentracijo bora in 25 % ter 50 % koncentracijo emulzij polietilenskih voskov. Smrekove vzorce smo impregnirali s prej naštetimi raztopinami po vakuumsko-tlačnem postopku polnih celic. Po impregnaciji smo vzorce sušili pri standardnih pogojih; del vzorcev smo po impregnaciji sušili pri temperaturi višji od tališča voskov (135 °C). Izpiranje impregniranega lesa je potekalo v skladu s 3 standardi (SIST EN 84, SIST ENV 1250-2, prCEN/TS 15119-1). Ugotovili smo, da dodatek emulzij voskov zmanjšuje mokri navzem sredstva med impregnacijo. Na delež izpranega bora v največji meri vpliva uporabljena metoda izpiranja. Pri izpiranju po standardu prCEN/TS 15119-1 se je v povprečju izpralo najmanj borovih učinkovin, medtem ko se je pri izpiranju po standardu SIST EN 84 iz lesa izpral ves navzet bor, ne glede na vrsto pripravka. Pri izpiranju impregniranega lesa po standardu SIST ENV 1250-2 se pojavijo razlike med impregniranimi vzorci in vzorci, ki so bili dodatno izpostavljeni sušenju pri 135 °C.

Keywords:les, vezava, zaščita, borova kislina, polietilenski vosek, wood, fixation, protection, boric acid, polyethylene wax
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Košir
Number of pages:X, 42 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159182 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1936777 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Leaching boric ingredients from wood impregnated with various preparations based on polyethylene wax and boric acid : graduation thesis - university studies
Boron compounds are effective biocide, even at low concentrations. In general, they do not have negative influence on human and environment. Unfortunately, boron does not react with wood; therefore, it is subsequently leached from wood in moist environment. To reduce leaching of boron from wood, the boron based solutions were combined with various concentrations of 2 types of the polyethylene wax (We1 and We6) produced by BASF. 10 different solutions of 0,1% or 0,5 % concentrations of boron and 25 % and 50 % concentrations of polyethylene wax emulsions were prepared. Spruce wood samples were impregnated with selected solutions according to the vacuum-pressure process. Samples were conditioned after impregnation under standard conditions, furthermore, part of the samples were dried at temperatures above the melting point of respective wax (135 °C). Leaching of the impregnated wood was performed according to 3 standards (SIST EN 84, SIST ENV 1250-2 and prCEN/TS 15119-1). The results show that the addition of wax emulsion reduces uptake of the preservative solution during leaching. According to the standard prCEN/TS 15119-1, the lowest boron ratios were leached; while at specimens leached according to the standard SIST EN 84, all boron was leached from the specimens, regardless to the presence of the wax emulsion. During leaching of the impregnated wood samples and the samples additionally exposed to drying at 13 °C.

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