
Variabilnost dimenzij traheid v lesu smreke s Panške reke : diplomski projekt
ID Radič, Matic (Author), ID Čufar, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prislan, Peter (Comentor), ID Merela, Maks (Reviewer)

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Na mikroskopskih slikah prečnih prerezov lesa 6 smrek (Picea abies) z rastišča pri Ljubljani smo v branikah, nastalih v letih 2009, 2010 in 2011, s pomočjo analize slike izmerili dimenzije traheid (radialne prečne dimenzije traheid in radialne prečne dimenzije lumnov) ter izračunali dvojne debeline celičnih sten. Na osnovi predhodnih raziskav nastajanja lesa smo rekonstruirali, kdaj med rastno sezono so nastale posamezne traheide. Največje srednje dimenzije lumnov (35,89 - 40,02 mikro m) in najmanjše dvojne debeline celičnih sten (6,79 - 7,34) so imele celice nastale od 6. aprila do 1. junija, najožje lumne (4,67 - 7,37) in najdebelejše dvojne stene (13,05 - 14,45) pa celice, ki so nastale od 6. julija do 28. septembra. Prehod iz ranega v kasni les (izračunan po Morkovi formuli), smo zabeležili v celicah, ki so nastale od 15. junija do 15. septembra. Hipotezo, da se dimenzije lumnov in sten celic, nastalih v istih časovnih obdobjih med drevesi na istem rastišču, ne razlikujejo, smo potrdili le delno. Statistične analize niso potrdile razlik v dimenzijah celic, ki so nastale v istih časovnih obdobjih v letih 2009, 2010 in 2011. Prav tako nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih razlik v času prehoda iz ranega v kasni les med leti. Domneve, da obstaja zveza med klimo in dimenzijami traheid, nismo mogli potrditi.

Keywords:les, smreka, Picea abies, traheide, analiza slike, histometrija, wood, Norway spruce, Picea abies, tracheids, image analysis, histometry
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Radič
Number of pages:VIII, 28 f., [3] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159178 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2059401 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Dimension variability of tracheids in the spruce wood from Panška reka, Slovenia : B. Sc. thesis
We analysed microscopic images of cross-sections of wood of 6 spruce (Picea abies) trees from a site near Ljubljana. We measured the dimensions of tracheids (radial dimensions of tracheids, and radial dimensions of lumina) and we also calculated their double cell wall thicknesses in the growth rings formed in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Image analysis system was used for measurements. Based on previous research, we reconstructed the time of formation of individual cells (tracheids) during 3 growing seasons. Maximal mean lumen dimensions (35.89 to 40.02) and the smallest double cell wall thicknesses (6.79 to 7.34) were found in cells formed between April 6 and June 1. The narrowest lumina (4.67 to 7.37) and the thickest double cell walls (13.05 to 14.45) were observed in the cells formed between July 6 and September 28. The transition from early to late wood (according to Mork's formula) was observed in cells formed between June 15 and September 15. The hypothesis that lumen and wall dimensions of cells formed in the same time periods do not differ among trees was confirmed only partially. Statistical analyses did not confirm the differences in the sizes of cells formed in the same periods of the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, we did not find statistically significant differences regarding the time of the transition from early- to late-wood in different years. We could not confirm the presumption that there is a link between climatic conditions and tracheid dimensions.

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