
Preverjanje avtentičnosti vozlišč robotskega operacijskega sistema s tehnologijo veriženja blokov
ID Jager, Nejc (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Deljena proizvodnja je koncept industrije 4.0, ki se osredotoča na sodelovanje med različnimi deležniki oziroma njihovimi roboti ter deljenje sredstev in stroškov. V ta namen si morajo deležniki zaupati, to pa lahko dosežejo s pomočjo tehnologije veriženja blokov. S tem jim zagotavljamo večjo stopnjo varnosti, ki je še kako potrebna v deljeni proizvodnji. V okviru diplomskega dela smo razvili sistem za preverjanje avtentičnosti vozlišč robotskega operacijskega sistema s tehnologijo veriženja blokov. Osnovni gradnik je odprtokodni robotski operacijski sistem, ki skrbi za nemoteno delovanje robotov in komunikacijo med robotskimi vozlišči. Preko komunikacijskih poti, ki nam jih zagotavlja, pošiljajo roboti sporočila o svojem obstoju ter zgoščene funkcije svojih kod. Ta sporočila pridejo do glavnega dela sistema, Ethereum preroka, ki povezuje robotski operacijski sistem in Ethereum zasebno testno omrežje, ustvarjeno z orodjem Ganache. Preko njega potujejo informacije do pametne pogodbe, ki smo jo namestili na omrežje. Pametna pogodba je datoteka s kodo, ki jo objavimo na blokovno omrežje, njen namen pa je lahko prenašanje kovancev, izvajanje operacij ali v našem primeru prenos in shranjevanje sporočil preko verige blokov. Pogodbo smo napisali v jeziku Solidity in jo objavili na Ganachevem Ethereum testnem omrežju. S pomočjo Solidity dogodkov informacije iz pametne pogodbe prenašamo do uporabniškega vmesnika, ki nam omogoča vizualno prezentacijo dogajanja z našim sistemom. Z njim lahko uporabnik preveri, ali se je koda posameznega robota spremenila od njegove inicializacije v robotski sistem. To informacijo pridobimo tako, da primerjamo zgoščeno funkcijo, ki smo jo zapisali na verigo blokov in zgoščeno funkcijo robota, ki jo pridobimo v realnem času. Če se ne ujemata, pomeni da je nekdo spreminjal kodo. S tem omogočamo uporabniku nadzor nad lastnimi roboti in odkrivanje nepooblaščenih vdorov v robotski operacijski sistem.

Keywords:deljena proizvodnja, tehnologija veriženja blokov, pametna pogodba, robotski operacijski sistem, avtentičnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159156 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200769283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2024
JAGER, Nejc, 2024, Preverjanje avtentičnosti vozlišč robotskega operacijskega sistema s tehnologijo veriženja blokov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Verification of the authenticity of nodes in the robot operating system using blockchain technology
Distributed manufacturing is an Industry 4.0 concept that focuses on collaboration between different stakeholders, or their robots, and the sharing of resources and costs. To do this, stakeholders need to trust each other, and this can be achieved through blockchain technology. This provides them with a higher level of safety, which is essential in distributed manufacturing. As part of our thesis, we have developed a system for authenticating nodes of a robot operating system using blockchain technology. The basic building block is the robot operating system, which ensures smooth operation of robots and communication between robots' nodes. Through the communication channels it provides us, the robots send messages about their existence and hash functions of their codes. These messages go to the main part of the system, the Ethereum Oracle, which connects the robot Operating System and the Ethereum private test network created with Ganache. Through it, information travels to the smart contract we have installed on the network. A smart contract is a code file that we publish on the blockchain network, and its purpose can be to transfer coins, perform operations or, in our case, transfer and store messages over the blockchain. We wrote the contract in Solidity programming language and published it on Ganache's Ethereum test network. Using Solidity events, we can pass information from the smart contract to the user interface, which allows us to visually present what is happening with our system. With it, the user can check whether the code of a particular robot has changed since its initialization into the robot system. This information is obtained by comparing the hash function that we have recorded on the blockchain and the hash function of the robot that we obtain in real time. If they do not match, it means that someone has changed the code. This allows the user to monitor their own robots and detect unauthorised intrusions into the robot operating system.

Keywords:shared manufacturing, blockchain technology, smart contract, robot operating system, authenticity

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