
Razmerje med slovstveno folkloro in literaturo glede na žanrsko problematiko
ID Stanonik, Marija (Author)

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Članek skuša soočiti tuja razglabljanja o dinamičnem razmerju med slovstveno folkloro in literaturo z dejstvi iz slovenske besedne umetnosti in njihove interpretacije pri nas. Prvi del, naslonjen na D. S. Lihačova, je posvečen razmerju med folklornimi in literarnimi žanri z diahronega vidika in vprašanjem, ali so žanri zgolj slovstveni pojav ali pa na njihov nastanek vplivajo tudi zunajliterarni vzroki, koliko sta žanrska sistema slovstvene folklore in literature samostojna, medsebojno vzajemna, v dinamičnem razmerju, če izginotje posameznih folklornih žanrov v določenih družbenih plasteh izzove nastanek novih literarnih žanrov. Lihačovu najbližji slovenski literarni zgodovinar I. Grafenauer je že pred uglednim ruskim medievalistom gojil raziskovanje obeh vzporednih sistemov, čeprav je bilo njegovo izhodišče statično. Drugi del govori o razmerju med sistemoma s sinhronega vidika in se naslanja na 'zgodnjega strukturalista' A. Jollesa, ki je jezik, slovstveno folkloro in literaturo primerjal s tremi agregatnimi stanji, ter razmerja med folklornimi žanri, imenovanimi »preproste oblike«, ponazoril z delom kmeta, rokodelca in duhovnika. Ta avtor `anrsko problematiko doživlja singularno, saj proučuje le razmerje med pravljico in novelo. Njegova zamotana izvajanja so si J. de Vries, K. Ranke in H. Bausinger konceptualno prilagodili. Slovenski zgledi so glede prve točke tehtni, za zanesljivost druge pa bi jih bilo treba več. Žanrska razvejanost Trdinove povesti Pastirji na Žabjeku je neprimerno zahtevnejša kot struktura pravljic v arhivirani zbirki G. Križnika.

Keywords:etnologija, folkloristika, jezikoslovje, literatura, slovstvena folklora, dinamično razmerje med žanrskimi sistemi, D. S. Lihačov, I. Grafenauer, A. Jolles, preproste oblike, pravljica, novela, Janez Trdina
Typology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 589-603
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159129 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26040621 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.07.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovenska kratka pripovedna proza
Editors:Irena Novak-Popov
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovenistiko, Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik
COBISS.SI-ID:229730560 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:23

Secondary language

The paper contrasts foreign analysis of the dynamic relations between literary folklore and literature with facts about Slovene writing and their interpretation in Slovenia. The first part, based on the work of Lihačov, focuses on the diachronic relation between folklore and literary genres, the question of whether genres are a purely literary phenomena or whether their appearance is influenced also by extra-literary factors, how independent the generic systems of literature and folklore are, their dynamic mutual dependence, and whether the disappearance of certain folklore genres leads to the creation in specific social strata of new literary genres. Grafenauer, the closest literary historian to Lihačov, promoted, even before the respected Russian medievalist, research into these parallel systems, although his starting point was a static one. The second part of the paper examines the systems synchronically and is based on the work of the šearly structuralist’ Jolles, who compared language, literary folklore and literature to three aggregate states, and who illustrated the relation between folklore genres, referred to as »simple forms«, with the work of the farmer, cratfsman and priest. This author deals with the issue of genre in a singular way, exploring the relation between the fairy tale and the novella. His intricate execution have been conceptually adapted by de Vries, Ranke and Bausinger. Slovene examples with regard to the first points mentioned are weighty; to be sure ofthe reliability of the second more examples would be needed. The generic complexity of Trdina’s tale Pastirji na Žabjeku is incomparably more demanding than the structure of fairy tales in Križnik’s archived collection.

Keywords:ethnology, folklore, linguistics, literature, literary folklore, dynamic relation between genre systems, D. S. Lihačov, I. Grafenauer, A. Jolles, simple forms, fairy tale, novella, Janez Trdina

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