
Vključevanje cirkuških vsebin v pouk
ID Svetina, Pia (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Skozi literaturo lahko opazimo, da se oblike šolanja ves čas spreminjajo. Učitelji iščejo načine, metode in oblike, ki bi pripomogle k čim boljšemu celostnemu razvoju vseh otrok. Prožnost učnega načrta nam omogoči spreminjanje poučevanja in s tem odmikanje od tradicionalnih pristopov poučevanja. Znanje je tesno pogojeno s kritičnostjo. Le tega brez ustvarjalnosti ne moremo doseči in to je eden izmed glavnih očitkov tradicionalne vzgoje, ki se mu želimo dandanes izogniti. Poleg ustvarjalnosti, ki jo želimo razvijati pri pouku, pa je pomembno tudi gibanje otrok. Gibanje nam omogoči sprostitev misli in zmanjšanje pritiskov okolja. Združitev ustvarjalnosti skozi gibanje lahko učencem predamo skozi cirkuške vsebine. Z njimi ustvarimo nove povezave, ki morajo biti za uspeh podkrepljene s kritičnim presojanjem, praktičnimi veščinami in disciplino. Omogoči nam razvijanje samozavesti, raziskovanje meja, oblikuje otroke kot posameznike in najpomembneje – vključuje vse otroke ter izboljša njihovo medsebojno sodelovanje. Zaradi zgoraj naštetih razlogov sem se odločila, da vključim cirkuške vsebine v pouk v 2. triletju osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu se usmerim na pojme, kot so: socialno vključevanje in sodelovanje, cirkuška pedagogika, socialne, čustvene in kognitivne motorične vsebine in celosten razvoj otrok. V empiričnem delu sem uporabila kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. V priložnostni vzorec sem vključila en razred 2. triletja, v katerem sem izvedla učne ure pri pouku športne vzgoje, likovne vzgoje, ure računalništva in slovenščine, v katere sem vključila cirkuške vsebine. Podatki so zbrani s pomočjo ustne samorefleksije učencev po koncu učnih ur, njihovih dnevnikov počutja, zunanjega opazovalca – učiteljice in mojih opažanj ter mojega vodenja kot raziskovalke. Namen raziskave je bilo pridobiti nova spoznanja o vključitvi cirkuških vsebin v pouk in raziskati, kakšne prednosti in ovire le-ta pristop zajema. Raziskava je pokazala, da cirkuške vsebine lahko vključimo pri več različnih predmetih in tako stremimo k ciljem medpredmetnega povezovanja. Preko aktivnega vodenja lahko učencem omogočimo dejavno učenje z raziskovanjem, pri katerem preko prostih dejavnosti raziskujejo pripomočke in pri tem ustvarjajo pozitivne fizične izkušnje. Cirkuške vsebine nam omogočijo tudi razvoj socialne povezanosti in grajenje zaupanja v razredu. Spodbujajo medsebojno pomoč in na ta način učence motivirajo. Učenci so kot pozitivno lastnost cirkuških veščin navajali tudi postavljanje lastnih ciljev in učenje tistega, kar jih zanima. Omogočijo zabavno učenje skozi igro, ki zajema široko paleto šolskih ciljev. Cirkuške vsebine so tudi orodje za izboljšanje pozornosti in grajenje identitete, vztrajnosti ter samozavesti.

Keywords:Cirkuška pedagogika, socialno vključevanje, sodelovanje, ustvarjalnost, gibanje, motivacija, sodobni učni pristop.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of Circus Contents in Primary School
Throughout literature, we observe that the forms of education are constantly evolving. Teachers seek ways, methods, and approaches that contribute to all children reaching their potential. The flexibility of the curriculum allows us to modify teaching and move away from traditional teaching approaches. Knowledge is closely tied to critical thinking, which cannot be achieved without creativity. This is one of the main criticisms of traditional education that we seek to avoid today. Besides fostering creativity in the classroom, physical movement is also essential for children. Movement helps relax the mind and reduce external pressures. Combining creativity through movement can be imparted to students via circus activities. These activities create new connections, which must be supported by critical thinking, practical skills, and discipline for success. They enable the development of self-confidence, exploration of boundaries, and shape children as individuals. Most importantly, they include all children and enhance their mutual cooperation. For these reasons, I decided to incorporate circus activities into the curriculum for students in the second cycle of primary education. In the theoretical part, I focus on concepts such as social inclusion and cooperation, circus pedagogy, social, emotional, and cognitive motor skills, and the holistic development of children. In the empirical part, I employed a qualitative research approach. I included one second-cycle class in my sample, where I conducted lessons in physical education, art education, computer science, and Slovenian, integrating circus activities into each. Data were collected through oral self-reflections of the students after the lessons, their mood journals, observations by an external observer (the class teacher), and my observations and notes as the researcher. The aim of the research was to gain new insights into the inclusion of circus activities in the curriculum and to explore the advantages and challenges of this approach. The research revealed that circus activities can be integrated into various subjects, thereby promoting interdisciplinary connections. Through active guidance, we can provide students with active learning opportunities where they explore props through free activities and create positive physical experiences. Circus activities also facilitate the development of social bonds and build trust within the classroom. They encourage mutual support, thereby motivating students. Students also highlighted goal-setting and learning what interests them as positive aspects of circus skills. These activities enable fun learning through play, encompassing a broad range of educational objectives. Additionally, circus activities serve as a tool for improving attention and building identity, perseverance, and self-confidence.

Keywords:Circus pedagogy, social integration, cooperation, creativity, movement, motivation, modern learning approach.

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