
Primeri dobrih praks učiteljev razrednega pouka pri delu z učenci z izstopajočim vedenjem : magistrsko delo
ID Bajželj, Tanja (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izstopajoče vedenje in ostale definicije vedenja, ki moti druge, je vseskozi potrebno gledati skozi prizmo družbene pogojenosti. Učenci, ki prihajajo iz bistveno drugačnega okolja, kot je šolsko, imajo težave že pri samem kodiranju sporočil v šoli. Namesto zavedanja, da je socialna podpora v šolskem okolju lahko edini in najbolj učinkovit varovalni dejavnik pri premagovanju teh težav, se neustrezno reagiranje učencev celo sankcionira, utrjuje in dela s tem še bolj sistemsko funkcionalno. Vsakršno opredeljevanje težav v socialni integraciji, ki ne vključuje socialne komponente, je s tega vidika bližje medicinskemu diskurzu, ki vidi vzroke zgolj v posamezniku. Čustvene, vedenjske in socialne težave ali socialnointegracijske težave so termin, ki poudari prepletenost vzrokov, ki so v skladu s sistemsko teorijo tudi v socialnem okolju samem. V magistrskem delu uporabljam izraz izstopajoče vedenje, ki bolj poudari eksternalizirano vedenje, internaliziranega je namreč težje opaziti, beležiti in raziskovati. Zaradi opredeljevanja učencev v dokumentih o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi vzgojno-izobraževalnimi potrebami kot tistih s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami oziroma težavami v tem kontekstu uporabljam ta izraz. Socialna pedagogika je tista veda, ki preseže medicinski diskurz poudarjanja primanjkljajev posameznika ter neprestano reflektira tudi svojo vlogo in vpliv na stigmatiziranje ranljivih skupin. Socialni pedagogi tako ne dajejo bistvenega poudarka primanjkljajem in težavam, ampak odnosnemu delu. Kot učinkovita strategija se je uveljavila na vedenjsko-kognitivni teoriji osnovana vedenjska modifikacija vedenja. Na podlagi funkcionalne ocene vedenja strokovnjaki oblikujejo načrt dela, pri katerem s spreminjanjem miselnih vzorcev vplivajo na spreminjanje čustev in vedenja. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela med desetimi namensko izbranimi intervjuvanimi učiteljicami razrednega pouka, ki so uspešne pri delu z učenci z izstopajočim vedenjem, ugotovim, da je predvsem na druge usmerjeno vedenje učencev tisto, ki učiteljice najbolj moti. Izpostavljajo motenje pouka na različne načine, nedelo oziroma nesodelovanje in različne oblike agresije do drugih. Vzroke za tako vedenje prepoznavajo v okolju učencev, izpostavljajo pa tudi zavedanje, da na utrjevanje vedenja pa tudi na stigmatiziranost učencev vpliva njihovo neustrezno reagiranje in šola kot sistem. Pri delu z učenci se zavedajo pomembnosti svoje vloge, ki jo vidijo kot razumevanje ter nudenje občutka varnosti in vrednosti učencem. Izpostavljajo zelo podobne, pa vendar ne enoznačne strategije dela z učenci z izstopajočim vedenjem. Pomemben se jim zdi vzajemni odnos in delo na odnosih v razredu, postavljajo jasna pravila in meje ter zagovarjajo doslednost pri učencih. Poleg potrjevanja želenega vedenja, ki ga prakticirajo vse učiteljice, izpostavljajo tudi čisto lastne, prilagojene načine spodbujanja učencev k prosocialnemu vedenju. Uspeh pri delu z učenci z izstopajočim vedenjem zagotavljata tudi dobro sodelovanje s starši in timsko delo z učiteljicami dodatne strokovne pomoči ter drugimi strokovnimi delavci šole. Zaradi pogostih občutkov nemoči in utrujenosti se razredne učiteljice poslužujejo kolegialnih intervizij in pogovorov z drugimi strokovnimi delavci šole. Prav tako pa poudarjajo nujnost timskega sodelovanja z ostalimi strokovnimi delavci šole ter iz zunanjih institucij.

Keywords:čustvene, vedenjske in socialne težave, izstopajoče vedenje, primeri dobre prakse, socialna pedagogika, učitelji razrednega pouka, vedenjske motnje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Bajželj
Number of pages:VI, 105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159110 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200371203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Good Practice Cases of Primary Teachers Working with Students with Challenging Behaviour
Challenging behaviour and other definitions of behaviour that disrupt others need to be constantly viewed through the lens of social conditioning. Students coming from significantly different environment, than the one at school, struggle even with coding messages. Instead of recognizing that social support in the school environment can be the sole and most effective protective factor in overcoming these challenges, inappropriate reactions from students are sanctioned, reinforced, and thus made more systematically functional. Any definition of problems in social integration that does not include a social component is closer to a medical discourse, which sees causes solely within the individual. Emotional, behavioural, and social difficulties or social integration problems are terms that emphasize the intertwining causes, which, according to systemic theory, also lie within the social environment itself. In this thesis, I use the term "challenging behavior" which emphasizes externalized behaviour, as internalized behaviour is harder to observe, record, and investigate. Because students are identified in documents on the guidance of children with special educational needs as those with emotional and behavioural disorders or difficulties, I use this term in the same context. Social pedagogy is the discipline that exceeds the medical discourse of emphasizing individual deficits and continuously reflects on its role and impact on the stigmatization of vulnerable groups. The essential emphasis of social pedagogues is not on deficits and problems but on relational work. As an effective strategy, behaviour modification based on cognitive-behavioural theory has been established. Through functional behaviour assessment, professionals design a work plan, which influences changing emotions and behaviour by changing cognitive patterns. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, among 10 purposefully selected interviewed primary teachers, who are successful in working with students exhibiting challenging behaviour, it was found that the behaviour primarily directed towards others is what bothers the teachers the most. They highlight disruptions in the classroom in various ways, such as non-participation or non-cooperation and various forms of aggression towards others. They recognize the causes of such behavior in the students' environment, but also recognize that their own inappropriate reactions and the school as a system influence the reinforcement of this behaviour and the stigmatization of students. When working with students, they are aware of the importance of their role, which they emphasize as understanding and providing a sense of security and value to students. They highlight very similar, yet not unequivocal strategies for working with students exhibiting challenging behaviour. They consider mutual relationships and working on relationships in the classroom important, set clear rules and boundaries, and advocate consistency with students. In addition to reinforcing desired behaviour, which all teachers practice, they also highlight their own, adapted ways of encouraging students' prosocial behaviour. Success in working with students exhibiting challenging behaviour is also ensured by good collaboration with parents and teamwork with teachers of additional support classes and other school professionals. Due to frequent feelings of helplessness and fatigue, classroom teachers use peer supervision and discussions with other school professionals. They also emphasize the necessity of teamwork with other school professionals and external institutions.

Keywords:challenging behaviour, emotional, behavioural, and social difficulties, examples of good practice, primary teachers, social pedagogy

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