
Prispevek k zasnovi arhitekturne teorije metropole
ID Šenica, Blaž (Author), ID Čeferin, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prispevek k razvoju arhitekturne teorije metropole, ki ga razvijamo v pričujoči nalogi, temelji predvsem na orisu os- novnih konceptualnih izhodišč, teoretskih prispevkov in povezav, iz katerih lahko izpeljemo osnovne iztočnice, ki bi morebiti lahko vodile do kompleksnejše in celovitejše arhitekturne teorije metropole. Opredelitev osnovnega pojma metropole nam omogoča, da soočimo abstraktne sile kapitalističnega razvoja in dejansko prostorsko dimenzijo ter tako natančneje obravnavamo, kako metropolitanski razvoj določa arhitekturno disciplino, in obratno, kako arhitekturno soočanje z vsakokratnimi nalogami, pred katere je postavljena, določa nadaljnji razvoj metropolitanske strukture. V zgodovinski obravnavi in interpretaciji dela Manfreda Tafurija sledimo razvoju arhitekturne discipline od prve vzpostavitve odnosa z metropolitanskimi silami do polne integracije v metropolitanske strukture v 20. stoletju. Vzpostavljamo dialektično povezavo med metropolitanskim razvojem in transformacijami novoveške arhitekturne discipline. Prizadevamo si torej za opredelitev metropole kot neizogibnega konteksta in polja soočanja funkcionalnosti arhitekturnih izhodišč ter njenih predlogov.

Keywords:arhitekturna teorija, metropola, kapitalistično mesto, arhitektura mesta, modernizem, sodobna arhitektura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159100 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202808067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A contribution to the development of the architectural theory of the metropolis
The contribution to the development of metropolitan archi- tectural theory, which we are developing in the present thesis, is primarily based on outlining basic conceptual frameworks, theoretical contributions, and connections from which we can derive fundamental guidelines. These guidelines could potentially lead to a more complex and comprehensive architectural theory of the metropolis. Defining the basic concept of the metropolis enables us to confront the abstract forces of capitalist development and the actual spatial dimension, thus allowing for a more precise examination of how metropolitan development shapes architectural discipline, and conversely, how architectural responses to the challenges it faces determine the further development of metropolitan structure. In the historical treatment and interpretation of Manfred Tafuri’s work, we trace the development of architectural discipline from its initial establishment of relations with metropolitan forces to its full integration into metropolitan structures in the 20th century. We establish a dialectical connection between metropolitan development and transformations in modern architectural discipline. Therefore, our aim is to define the metropolis as an inevitable context and field for confronting the functionality of architectural principles and their proposals.

Keywords:architectural theory, metropolis, capitalist city, architecture of the city, modernism, contemporary architecture

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