
Knjižnica na obzidju - idejna zasnova revitalizacije starega mestnega jedra Metlike
ID Vuković, Peter (Author), ID Krušec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Munda, Miha (Comentor)

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Staro mestno jedro Metlike se že vrsto let sooča s pomanjkanjem programov, ki bi mestu vrnili življenje in spodbudili skupnost k zadrževanju in preživljanju prostega časa v srednjeveškem jedru. Gradnja nakupovalnih središč na obrobju mesta je povzročila selitev dejavnosti na lažje in hitreje dostopne lokacije z boljšo infrastrukturno povezanostjo. Tako je staro mestno jedro ostalo osiromašeno programa in mestotvornih dejavnosti, kar je privedlo do degradacije javnega prostora in propadanja kulturne dediščine. V magistrski nalogi se ukvarjam z revitalizacijo trških površin in preoblikovanjem mesta v kulturno središče. Na osrednjem trgu ga dopolnim z novo knjižnico, ki prezentira pozabljeno mestno obzidje in zagotovi konstanten pretok obiskovalcev. Sodobna knjižnica, ki je simbol demokratičnega dostopa do znanja, vključujoče družbe, vseživljenjskega izobraževanja in je hkrati generator javnih dogodkov, trgu vrne nekdanji pomen središča, skupnosti pa prostor, s katerim se identificira in stremi k njegovemu ohranjanju.

Keywords:trg, knjižnica, revitalizacija, obzidje, kultura, izobraževanje, arhitektura, srednjeveško jedro
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159089 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201494019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Library on the Wall - Revitalization of Historic city centre of Metlika
For many years, Metlika’s Old Town has been facing a lack of programmes to bring life back to the town and encourage the community to linger and spend their leisure time in the medieval town. The construction of shopping centres on the outskirts of the town has led to a relocation of activities to more easily and quickly accessible locations with better infrastructure connections. This has left the Old Town devoid of programmes and activities, leading to the degradation of the public space and the deterioration of the cultural heritage. In my master thesis I am working on the revitalisation of the three sqares and the transformation of the city into a cultural centre, with a new library in the central square, which exhibits the forgotten city wall and ensures a constant flow of visitors. A modern library, a symbol of democratic access to knowledge, an inclusive society, lifelong education and the generator of public events, will return the square to its former importance as a centre, and give the community a place to identify with and which they will strive to preserve.

Keywords:square, library, revitalisation, city wall, culture, education, architecture, medieval town

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