
Na poti z zemljo : idejna zasnova revitalizacije avtocestnega počivališča Voklo
ID Rožman, Matevž (Author), ID Krušec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Munda, Miha (Comentor)

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V času prehoda k trajnostnim oblikam prevoza, se ob vzponu električnih vozil pojavlja izziv za tradicionalne avtocestne bencinske servise. Naloga analizira neustreznost avtocestne infrastrukture za prehod na druge oblike prevoza in predlaga možnost revitalizacije obstoječih avtocestnih počivališč z novo tipologijo polnilnih postaj, ki ustrezajo potrebam tako konvencionalnih, kot električnih vozil. Integracija dodatnih storitev, kot so motel, restavracija in drugo, ohranja svoj pomen v spreminjajočem se avtomobilskem okolju, hkrati pa potnikom nudi celovito izkušnjo postanka. Uporaba zemlje kot glavnega konstrukcijskega materiala ne le izboljšuje okoljsko učinkovitost postajališč, ampak tudi prispeva k vzpostavitvi bolj odpornih infrastrukturnih sistemov. Magistrsko delo poudarja pomen naravne gradnje v arhitekturi in zagovarja inovativne rešitve, ki združujejo tradicionalne in nove tehnologije.

Keywords:gradnja z zemljo, protihrupne ograje, motel, polnilne postaje za električna vozila, trajnost, revitalizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159080 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201482755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:On the way with earth - conceptual design of the Voklo freeway rest area revitalization
In a time of transition to sustainable forms of transport, the rise of electric vehicles poses a challenge to traditional motorway service stations. The research analyzes the inadequacy of the freeway infrastructure for the transition to other forms of transport and proposes the possibility of revitalizing the existing freeway rest areas with a new typology of charging stations that meet the needs of both conventional and electric vehicles. The integration of additional services such as a motel, a restaurant and more maintains its relevance in the changing automotive environment while providing passengers with a comprehensive stopover experience. The use of soil as the main construction material not only improves the environmental performance of car-stops, but also contributes to the establishment of more resilient infrastructure systems. The master thesis emphasizes the importance of natural construction in architecture and advocates for innovative solutions that combine traditional and new technologies.

Keywords:earth construction, sound barriers, motel, EV charging stations, sustainability, revitalization

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