
Revitalizacija in vsebinska obogatitev območja projekta EPIc district (GO! 2025) v Novi Gorici : idejna zasnova javne parkovne površine z lokalno kulinarično ter turistično ponudbo in površinami namenjenim športnim aktivnostim, sprostitvi ter uživanju v naravi
ID Mask, Sara (Author), ID Princic, Alessio (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Barbaresi, Paulo Augusto (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo predlaga preureditev degradiranega območja ob železniški postaji Nova Gorica v urejeno javno mestno površino. Oblikovno gre za sanacijo in preoblikovanje obstoječega travnika v parkovne in komercialno-kulturne površine z dodanimi novimi volumni v obliki sestavljivih paviljonov. S predlogom revitalizacije obmejnega območja in vsebinske obogatitve z dodajanjem programsko bogatih sestavljivih paviljonov želim podati primer dobre prakse, kako lahko obmejna mesta skupaj načrtujejo, usklajujejo in realizirajo kulturne strategije v dobro celotne družbe. S tem bi obmejno območje vrnili ljudem z namenom povezovanja različnih kultur in generacij. S preureditvijo in vsebinsko prenovo obmejnega pasa želim pokazati, da je to prostor z visokim razvojnim potencialom, ki lahko poveže dve mesti, dve regiji in dve državi. Pri tem smo upoštevali tudi programske potrebe prihajajočega projekta Evropske prestolnice kulture, ki bo v večini situirana ravno na tem območju. V vodstvu EPK so izrazili željo po sledečih programih: razstavnih prostorih, trgovinah, multimedijskem prostoru, dnevni lokalni gastronomski ponudbi, tržnici, športnih igriščih in muzeju. Vse to smo vključili tudi v našo programsko zasnovo. Magistrsko delo tako lepo dokaže, da lahko s preureditvijo degradiranega območja ob železniški postaji v urejeno javno mestno površino, ponovno obudimo nekdaj živahno območje, kjer bi se predstavile kultura, zgodovina in lepote sosednjih držav, ki kljub razlikam sobivajo na tem območju.

Keywords:Nova Gorica, Gorizia, Evropska prestolnica kulture, de-privilegirano območje, revitalizacija, vsebinska obogatitev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159070 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202100995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2024
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Title:Revitalization and content enrichment of the area of the project EPIc district (GO! 2025) in Nova Gorica : conceptual design of a public park area with local culinary and tourist offer and areas intended for sports activities, relaxation and enjoyment of nature
The Master’s thesis proposes the redevelopment of the degraded area next to the Nova Gorica railway station into an organized public urban area. In terms of design, it involves the rehabilitation and transformation of the existing meadow into park and garden areas with the addition of new volumes in the form of modular pavilions. With the proposal for the revitalization of the border area and content enrichment by adding program-rich modular pavilions, I want to give an example of good practice of how border cities can plan, coordinate and implement cultural strategies together for the benefit of the entire society. This would return the border area to the people for the purpose of connecting different cultures and generations. By rearranging and renovating the content of the border strip, I want to show that it is a place with high development potential that can connect two cities, two regions and two countries. We also took into accunt the programatic needs of the upcoming European Capital of Culture project, which will mostly be situated in this area. The management of ECC expressed their desire for the following programs: exhibition spaces, shops, multimedia space, daily local gastronomic offer, market, sport fields and a museum. We have included all this in our program design. The master’s thesis nicely demonstrates that by redeveloping the degraded area next to the railway station into a well-organized public urban area, we can revive a once lively area, where the culture, history and beauty of two neighboring countries, which, despite their differences, coexist in this area, would be presented.

Keywords:Nova Gorica, Gorizia, European Capital of Culture, de-privileged area, revitalization, content enrichment

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