
Kritično obdobje razvoja glasbenih sposobnosti : magistrska naloga
ID Poljanec, Hana (Author), ID Šantl Zupan, Karolina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge je raziskati obdobje, v katerem se glasbene sposobnosti najintenzivneje razvijajo. Mnogi strokovnjaki, tako pedagogi kot znanstveniki, ugotavljajo, da kritično obdobje razvoja glasbenih sposobnosti traja predvsem do šestega leta. Da bi razumeli kritično obdobje smo ugotavljali, katere glasbene sposobnosti se razvijajo v določenem starostnem obdobju. Ugotovili smo, da se pri otrocih odraščajočih v okolju, ki na razvoj glasbenih sposobnosti pozitivno vpliva, v tem obdobju vzpostavijo temeljne glasbene sposobnosti, ki se v kasnejših obdobjih poglabljajo. Glede na raziskave smo opredelili pojem glasbene sposobnosti, ki ga je Pesek (1997) razdelila na pet stopenj; prirojena zasnova, sposobnosti, nadarjenost, talent in muzikalnost. Ugotavljali smo tudi, do kolikšne mere so glasbene sposobnosti genetsko pogojene. Ugotavljali smo, na kakšen način je glasbene sposobnosti v tem obdobju možno razvijati in v ta namen predstavili pedagoške pristope štirih pomembnih glasbenih pedagogov (Dalcroze, Willems, Orff in Kodály). Za razvijanje glasbenih sposobnosti so uporabljali različne načine, vsem pa je bilo skupno zavedanje, da je za razvoj glasbenih sposobnosti pomembno sistematično raziskovanje vseh glasbenih parametrov v zgodnjem otroštvu, predvsem z izkustvenim učenjem. Izpostavili smo nekaj znanstvenih raziskav, ki na različne načine dokazujejo pozitivne učinke ukvarjanja z glasbo v zgodnjem otroštvu. V zadnjem delu magistrske naloge smo raziskovali, na kakšen način razvijajo glasbene sposobnosti otrok v kritičnem obdobju v slovenskih glasbenih šolah in vrtcih. Predstavili smo del kurikuluma za predšolsko glasbeno vzgojo ter kurikulum dveh zasebnih glasbenih šol, ki glasbeno uvajanje predšolskih otrok izvajata po posebnih pedagoških načelih. Na koncu smo predstavili še del kurikuluma slovenskih vrtcev in ugotovili, da so dejavnosti, predstavljene v kurikulumu, smiselno zastavljene. Iz študijskega programa predšolske vzgoje smo razbrali, koliko študijskih obveznosti je vezanih na glasbene vsebine in ugotavljali, na kakšen način se pripraviti na izvedbo glasbenih dejavnosti v vrtcu.

Keywords:glasbena vzgoja, kritično obdobje, glasbene sposobnosti, predšolsko obdobje, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:H. Poljanec
Number of pages:32 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159050 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200082435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Critical period for the development of musical abilities
The purpose of the master's thesis is to investigate the period in which musical abilities develop most intensively. Many experts, both pedagogues and scientists, note that the critical period for the development of musical abilities lasts mainly until entering school. To understand the critical period, we researched which musical abilities develop in a certain age period. We found that in children who grow up in an environment that has a positive influence on the development of musical abilities, fundamental musical abilities develop during this period, which deepen in later periods. Based on the research, we defined the notion of musical ability, which Pesek (1997) divided into five levels; congenital identity, abilities, giftedness, talent and musicality. We also found out to what extent musical abilities are genetically conditioned. We determined how musical skills can be developed during this period and presented the pedagogical approaches of four important music pedagogues (Dalcroze, Willems, Orff and Kodály). We noticed that they used different methods to develop musical abilities, but they all had a common awareness that the systematic research of all musical parameters in early childhood is important for the development of musical abilities, especially through experiential learning. We have highlighted some scientific research studies that prove the positive effects of playing music in different ways. We found that developing musical skills has a very positive effect on the psychophysical development of an individual. In the last part of the master's thesis, we determined how children's musical abilities are developed during a critical period in Slovenian music schools and kindergartens. We presented part of the curriculum for Slovenian public music schools and the curriculum of two private music schools, which introduce music to preschool children according to special pedagogical principles. Finally, we presented part of the curriculum of Slovenian kindergartens and concluded that the activities presented in the curriculum make sense. From the curriculum of preschool education, we found out how many study obligations are related to musical content and determined how to prepare for the implementation of musical activities in kindergarten.

Keywords:musical education, critical period, musical abilities, preschool period, master's theses

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