
Sinteza, kinetika ter končne lastnosti kopolimera dibutil itakonata in metil metakrilata, pripravljenega z radikalsko polimerizacijo v polšaržnem reaktorju
ID Kokol, Nino (Author), ID Ambrožič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ozaveščenost o omejenih zalogah naftnih virov in trendi zelenega prehoda vodijo svetovno proizvodnjo k uporabi bioloških materialov, eden takih primerov je tudi vključitev biološko osnovanih monomerov v polimerno inženirstvo. V diplomski nalogi sem preučeval, kako z dodatkom dibutil itakonata k metil metakrilatu vplivam na potek polimerizacije, oziroma na končne lastnosti produktov. Za sintezo, ki sem jo izvajal v polšaržnem sistemu, sem poleg omenjenih monomerov uporabljal tudi nitrilni iniciator in butil acetat kot topilo. Z analiziranjem vzorcev sem ugotovil, da se z dodajanjem večjega deleža dibutil itakonata sorazmerno spreminjajo tudi lastnosti polimerov. Končne analize vzorcev so pokazale, da večji kot je delež dodanega dibutil itakonata napram metil metakrilatu, nižje so konverzije monomerov in povprečno krajši so sintetizirani polimeri.

Keywords:radikalska polimerizacija, dibutil itakonat, polšaržni reaktor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158988 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202651139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.06.2024
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Title:Synthesis, kinetics and final properties of the prepared dibutyl itaconate and methyl methacrylate copolymer by radical polymerization in a semi-batch reactor
Awareness of limited reserves of petroleum resources and green transition trends are leading global production towards the use of biological materials, one such example being the incorporation of bio-based monomers into polymer engineering. In my bachelor’s degree, I investigated how the addition of dibutyl itaconate to methyl methacrylate affects the course of polymerization, or rather, the final properties of the products. For the synthesis, which I conducted in a semi-batch system, I used not only the mentioned monomers but also a nitrile-based initiator and butyl acetate as a solvent. By analysing the samples, I found that by adding a larger proportion of dibutyl itaconate, the properties of the polymers also change proportionally. The final analyses of the patterns showed that the higher the proportion of added dibutyl itaconate compared to methyl methacrylate, the lower the conversions of monomers, and the average length of synthesized polymers is shorter.

Keywords:radical polymerization, dibutyl itaconate, semi-batch reactor

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