
Primerjava elektrolize vode in klorovodikove kisline kot metoda trajnostne proizvodnje vodika
ID Križan, Melita (Author), ID Likozar, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu se intenzivno soočamo z izzivi, ki so povezani z odvisnostjo od fosilnih goriv, katerih negativne posledice na okolje pospešujoče prizadevajo podnebno stabilnost tega planeta. Postopno povečanje industrializacije, urbanizacije ter posledično naraščanje prebivalstva terjajo vedno večjo potrebo po omejenih zalogah fosilnih goriv in energiji, zaradi česar se današnji razvoj vedno bolj usmerja k iskanju alternativnih energetskih virov. Dekarbonizacija je tako postala glavna strategija, ki bi omejila izrabljanje fosilnih goriv ter minimizirala emisije toplogrednih plinov. Prehod na bolj trajnostni in nizkoogljični energetski sistem zagovarja ekonomija vodika, ki se osredotoča na razvoj tehnologij za proizvajanje čistega oz. zelenega vodika iz obnovljivih virov energije, gradnjo infrastrukture za njegovo shranjevanje ter distribucijo in implementacijo vodika v različnih sektorjih, vključno s prometom, industrijo ter proizvodnjo električne energije. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na proizvodnjo zelenega vodika s pomočjo elektrolize vode in elektrolize HCl (klorovodikova kislina) ob uporabi PEM elektrolizerja. Glavni namen eksperimentalnega dela je primerjava učinkovitosti, natančneje primerjava količine proizvedenega vodika (H2) pri elektrolizi vode z elektrolizo HCl, če nam le-ta nudi večjo produktivnost pri proizvajanju vodika, z dodatno prednostjo tvorbe sekundarnega tržnega produkta (Cl$_2$). Implementacija elektrolize HCl na večji skali je pravtako pogojena z boljšimi rezultati v primerjavi z elektrolizo vode, ki bi lahko bila dodana številnim proizvodnjam, katerih stranski produkt je ravno HCl v velikih količinah, s katerim je trg že nekoliko prenasičen. Ob izvajanju eksperimentov sem spremljala tudi parametre elektrolize HCl (temperatura, koncentracija elektrolita, električna napetost), ki sem jih med izvajanjem spreminjala ter preučevala na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov. Ob prisotnosti višjega električnega potenciala sistema je posledično nastalo več proizvedenega vodika, saj je hitrost poteka redukcijske reakcije na katodi sorazmerna z dovedenim potencialom. Višje temperaturne razmere molekulam povečajo kinetično energijo, zaradi katere se ob večjem številu uspešnih trkov pospeši reakcija redukcije za nastanek vodika. Posledično zaradi višje kinetične energije pri višji temperaturi materiali in elektrolit postanejo bolj prevodni, kar zniža tudi prenapetostni potencial.

Keywords:elektroliza, vodik, energija, dekarbonizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158964 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202153731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of water and hydrochloric acid electrolysis as a method of sustainable hydrogen production
In today's world we are intensively confronted with challenges related to our dependence on fossil fuels whose negative environmental impacts are accelerating the climate stability of this planet. The gradual increase in industrialisation, urbanisation and the consequent population growth are placing increasing demands on finite fossil fuel and energy supplies which has led to today's development, increasingly focusing on the search for alternative energy sources. Decarbonisation has thus become the main strategy to limit the use of fossil fuels and minimise greenhouse gas emissions. The transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon energy system is advocated by the hydrogen economy which focuses on the development of technologies to produce clean or green hydrogen from renewable energy sources, the construction of infrastructure for its storage and the distribution and implementation of hydrogen in various sectors, including transport, industry and electricity generation. The thesis focuses on the production of green hydrogen by electrolysis of water and electrolysis of HCl (hydrochloric acid) using a PEM electrolyser. The main purpose of the experimental work is to compare the efficiency, more specifically the amount of hydrogen (H2) produced in water electrolysis with HCl electrolysis, if the latter offers a higher productivity in hydrogen production, with the additional advantage of generating a secondary marketable product (Cl$_2$). The implementation of HCl electrolysis on a larger scale is also conditional on better results compared with water electrolysis, which could be added to many plants whose by-product is precisely HCl in large quantities, with which the market is already somewhat oversupplied. During the experiments, I also monitored the parameters of HCl electrolysis (temperature, electrolyte concentration, electrical voltage), which I varied during the experiments and studied on the basis of the results obtained. In the presence of a higher electrical potential of the system, more hydrogen was consequently produced, as the rate of the reduction reaction at the cathode is proportional to the applied potential. Higher temperature conditions increase the kinetic energy of the molecules which, due to the higher number of successful collisions, accelerates the reduction reaction to produce hydrogen. As a consequence, the higher kinetic energy at higher temperature makes the materials and the electrolyte more conductive, which also lowers the overvoltage potential.

Keywords:electrolysis, hydrogen, energy, decarbonisation

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