
Vpliv genotipa na značilne lastnosti dlake pri mačkah pasme cornish rex
ID Horvat, Tajda (Author), ID Dovč, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zorc, Minja (Comentor)

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Cornish rex je pasma mačk, katere posebnost je kodrasta dlaka in velika ušesa na glavi jajčaste oblike z zelo izrazitimi ličnicami. Njihovi kodri so posledica mutacije na genu LPAR6, ki kodira receptor lizofosfatidne kisline 6. Ta protein igra vlogo pri rasti in izpadanju dlak. Gre za delecijo, dolgo 4 bp na eksonu 5, ki povzroči nastanek prezgodnjega stop kodona v receptorju LPAR6. Poznamo več pasem mačk, ki spadajo v rexoidno družino, za katero je značilna kodrasta dlaka, ki je posledica mutacije gena KRT71, LPAR6 in drugih. Rexoidne pasme mačk so: cornish rex, devon rex, selkirk rex, german rex, laPerm, tennessee rex, ural rex. Kodri pri mačkah devon rex in selkirk rex so posledica mutacije na genu KRT71 (gen za keratin), ki kodira protein, ki se nahaja v koreninskem ovoju lasnih mešičkov. Namen naloge je bil potrditi mutacijo na genu LPAR6 pri cornish rex mačkah in pokazati, da gre za recesivno mutacijo. Testirali smo preko 30 mačk pasme cornish rex ter 4 križance z navadno domačo kratkodlako mačko. Njihovo DNA smo pridobili z izolacijo iz brisov iz ust ter iz tkiva placente (dva osebka). Pri cornish rex mački so po standardu dovoljene vse barve, največkrat pa so črno bele barve z različnimi barvnimi vzorci. Le ti so posledica prisotnosti retrotranspozicije zaporedja gena KIT in razvoja mačjega endogenega retrovirusa (FERV1), ki je odgovoren za dva različna fenotipa, povezana z alelom W (»dominant white« in »white spotting«) na lokusu KIT. Cilj naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali glede na barvni vzorec osebka lahko sklepamo na njegov genotip na lokusu KIT, kar smo preverili z molekularnimi metodami. Z analizo križancev med cornish rex mačko in navadno domačo kratkodlako mačko smo dokazali močan vpliv genotipa cornish rex mačke. Analiza fenotipov križancev druge generacije (F2) nakazuje na homozigotne bloke in skupno dedovanje fenotipskih lastnosti cornish rex mačk.

Keywords:mačke, cornish rex, dlaka, genetika, fenotip, genotip
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158936 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199768579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of genotype on typcal coat characteristics in Cornish Rex cats
Cornish Rex is a breed of cat characterized by curly fur and large ears on an oval-shaped head with very pronounced cheekbones. Their curls are the result of a mutation in the LPAR6 gene, which encodes the lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6. This protein plays a role in hair growth and shedding. It is a 4 bp deletion in exon 5 that results in the creation of a premature stop codon in the LPAR6 receptor. There are several cat breeds that belong to the rexoide family, which is characterized by curly fur drue to mutations in the KRT71, LPAR6 and other genes. Rexoide cat breeds are; the Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex, German Rex, LaPerm, Tennessee Rex, and Ural Rex. The curls in Devon Rex and Selkirk Rex cats are due to a mutation in the KRT71 gene (keratin gene), which encodes a protein found in the root sheath of hair follicles. The aim of the task was to confirm the mutation in the LPAR6 gene in Cornish Rex cats and show that it is a recessive mutation. We tested over 30 Cornish Rex cats and 4 crossbreedrs with ordinary domestic short-haired cats. Their DNA was obtained by isolation from oral swabs and placental tissue (two individuals). According to the standard, all colors are allowed in Cornish Rex cats, but they are most often black and white with various color patterns. These are due to the presence of a retrotransposition of the KIT gene sequence and the development of the feline endogenous retrovirus (FERV1), which is responsible for two different phenotypes associated with the W allele (dominant white and white spotting) at the KIT locus. The aim of the task was to determine if the color pattern of an individual could be used to infer its genotype at the KIT locus, which we verified using molecular methods. By analyzing hybrids between Cornish Rex and ordinary domestic short-haired cats, we demonstrated the strong influence of the Cornish Rex genotype. The analysis of the phenotypes of the second-generation crossbreeds (F2) indicates homozygous blocks and the co-inheritance of phenotypic traits of Cornish Rex cats.

Keywords:cats, cornish rex, fur, genetic, genotype, phenotype

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