
Vloga svetovalnih delavcev vrtca v procesu zgodnje obravnave
ID Jenko, Timea (Author), ID Jeznik, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zgodnja obravnava je v Sloveniji dolgo predstavljala področje, ki ni bilo sistemsko opredeljeno, leta 2017 pa je bil sprejet Zakon o celostni zgodnji obravnavi predšolskih otrok s posebnimi potrebami (2017), ki je pričel veljati leta 2019. V magistrskem delu nas je zanimalo, kako so določila omenjenega zakona zaživela v praksi in kakšne spremembe prinašajo. Posebej smo se osredotočili na vlogo svetovalnih delavcev in delovne naloge, ki jih prevzemajo pri delu z otroki s posebnimi potrebami ter otroki z dejavniki tveganja v razvoju. V začetku teoretičnega dela smo se najprej osredotočili na razvoj obravnave otrok s posebnimi potrebami in prikazali, kakšne možnosti je imela omenjena skupina otrok pri vključevanju v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces. Dodatno smo opredelili pojem inkluzije in nadgrajevanje koncepta skozi čas. Podrobneje smo izpostavili medicinski in pedagoški diskurz, ki vplivata na interpretacijo in način uresničevanja koncepta v formalnih dokumentih ter praksi. V drugem delu teoretičnega dela smo opredelili pojem zgodnje obravnave in predstavili formalno ureditev, ki velja od sprejetja Zakona o celostni zgodnji obravnavi predšolskih otrok s posebnimi potrebami (2017), in jo primerjali z ureditvijo pred uvedbo zakona. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo podrobneje izpostavili in opisali proces zgodnje obravnave v vzgojno- izobraževalnih ustanovah ter se pri tem posebno osredotočili na delo svetovalnega delavca. Izpostavili smo nekatere spremembe, ki se dogajajo v zadnjih letih na področju svetovalnega dela, in opozorili na pogoje, ki morajo biti izpolnjeni, da se lahko nova zakonska določila uspešno uresničujejo. V empiričnem delu smo s šestimi svetovalnimi delavkami vrtcev opravili polstrukturirane intervjuje. Analizirati smo želeli, kako poteka uresničevanje zakona v praksi vrtcev, in podrobneje preučiti, do kakšnih sprememb je prišlo na področju svetovalnega dela v vrtcu. Primerjali smo izkušnje vprašanih svetovalnih delavcev s sodelovanjem s centri za zgodnjo obravnavo glede na to, ali se vrtci nahajajo v mestnem ali podeželskem okolju. V nadaljevanju nas je zanimalo, kako intervjuvanci ocenjujejo pogoje dela in s kakšnimi prednostmi ter izzivi se srečujejo pri uresničevanju zakonskih določil. Ugotovili smo, da se je ob uveljavitvi Zakona o celostni zgodnji obravnavi predšolskih otrok s posebni potrebami (2017) na splošno povečala dostopnost pomoči in s sodelovanjem med ustanovami tudi možnosti interdisciplinarne obravnave, kar je med drugim vplivalo na naraščanje števila otrok in družin v obravnavi. Zaradi neizpolnjenosti nekaterih osnovnih pogojev dela v vrtcih in dodatnega pomanjkanja podzakonskih aktov, ki bi olajšali izvajanje zgodnje obravnave, prihaja do številnih izzivov, s katerimi se srečujejo strokovni delavci v praksi. Hkrati smo v okviru pričujoče raziskave zaznali neenakosti v kakovosti, načinu in obsegu izvajanja zgodnje obravnave med posameznimi regijami. Ob zakonodajnih in konceptualnih spremembah ter spreminjanju narave in zahtev dela na ravni posameznih vrtcev se kaže potreba po urejanju področja svetovalnega dela v vrtcih. Poleg nujnosti sprejetja podzakonskih aktov predlagamo temeljit razmislek o potencialnih rešitvah, ki bi kadrovsko in strokovno okrepile vrtce in centre za zgodnjo obravnavo. Zaradi različnih zmogljivosti občin bi bilo smiselno pretehtati možnosti financiranja zgodnje obravnave v vrtcih. Glede na spremembe in potrebe, ki se trenutno pojavljajo v praksi, bi bilo treba prilagoditi tudi normative v oddelkih in v okviru svetovalnega dela v vrtcih.

Keywords:zgodnja obravnava, svetovalna služba v vrtcu, otroci s posebnimi potrebami, zakonodaja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158817 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of preschool counselors in the process of early intervention for children with special needs
In Slovenia, the early treatment of children with special needs was not regulated for many years. In 2017 the Act Regulating the Integrated Early Treatment of Preschool Children with Special Needs (2017) was accepted and came into force in 2019. In our master's thesis, we were interested in how the provisions of the aforementioned law have been implemented into practice and what changes they have brought. We have focused in particular on the role and work tasks of kindergarten counsellors when working with children with special needs. At the beginning of the theoretical part, we focused on the development of the early intervention of children with special needs and showed what opportunities the mentioned group of children had for inclusion in the educational process. We also defined the concept of inclusion and the development of the concept over time. We took a closer look at the medical and pedagogic discourse that influences the interpretation and the way the concept is implemented in official documents and practice. In the second part of the theoretical work, we defined the concept of early intervention and presented the formal regulations that have been in place since the adoption of the Act Regulating the Integrated Early Treatment of Preschool Children with Special Needs (2017). We compared the early intervention regulations before and after the introduction of the law. At the end of the theoretical part, we have pointed out and described the process of early intervention in educational institutions, focusing especially on the work of the counsellor in kindergarten. We highlighted some of the changes that have taken place in the field of counselling work in recent years and pointed out the conditions that must be met to successfully implement the new legal provisions. In the empirical part, we conducted semi-structured interviews with six kindergarten counsellors. We wanted to analyse how the law is being implemented in kindergarten practice and also to examine in more detail what changes have occurred in the field of counselling work in kindergartens. We also compared counsellors’ experiences of working with early intervention centres, depending on whether the kindergartens are located in urban or non-urban areas. Finally, we were interested in how the interviewees assess their working conditions and what advantages and challenges they face in implementing the legal provisions. We have found that with the enforcement of the Act Regulating the Integrated Early Treatment of Preschool Children with Special Needs (2017), the availability of early intervention has generally increased, as well as the possibilities for interdisciplinary treatment through collaboration between institutions, which also led to an increase in the number of children and families in treatment. Due to failure to meet basic working conditions and the absence of regulations that would provide the necessary framework for early intervention, professionals face many challenges in practice. Moreover, it is also possible to perceive the disparities in the quality, approach, and extent of early intervention between different regions. In the context of legal and conceptual changes and the shifting needs at the individual kindergarten level, it seems necessary to regulate the field of counseling work in kindergartens. Given the urgency of acceptance of sub-legislative acts, we suggest thinking carefully about possible solutions that would support preschool education and early intervention institutions in terms of personnel and professional support. Considering the different capacities of municipalities, it would be useful to examine the possibilities of financing early intervention in kindergartens. From the perspective of the changes and needs that are currently occurring in practice, it would be necessary to adapt the norms and standards defining child group sizes in kindergarten. In addition, the standards for counselling work in kindergartens should also be adapted.

Keywords:early intervention, counselling work in kindergarten, children with special needs, inclusion, legislation

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