
Vpliv sodobnih oblik družine na povezovanje sistemov socialne varnosti v EU
ID Merhar, Gaja (Author), ID Strban, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sodobni družbi se je izrazito povečala raznolikost družinskih struktur, kar odraža preoblikovanje pojma družine v okviru sodobne družbe, ki ga priznavajo države članice Evropske unije (v nadaljevanju: EU). Tradicionalna predstava družine, sestavljene iz bioloških staršev in otrok, postopoma izgublja prevlado, pri čemer se vedno bolj sprejemajo in priznavajo alternativne oblike družinskih enot. Poleg klasičnih družin v ospredje stopajo različne oblike življenjskih skupnosti, vključno s posvojiteljskimi, rejniškimi, enostarševskimi in sestavljenimi družinami ter družinami z istospolnimi partnerji. Ta raznolikost prispeva k bogatenju družinskega spektra ter poudarja potrebo po prilagajanju zakonodaje in pravil prava socialne varnosti, da bi ustrezno odražali sodobne družinske realnosti. Na področju prava socialne varnosti se soočamo z izzivi, saj trenutna pravna pravila ne sledijo tempu sprememb družinskih struktur. Uredba (ES) št. 883/2004 o koordinaciji sistemov socialne varnosti namreč ne zajema vseh vidikov raznolikih družinskih enot, kar lahko povzroči težave pri priznavanju družinskih članov in njihovih pravic, ko gredo v druge države članice. Posledično se lahko pojavijo ovire za zagotavljanje enakih pravic in socialne varnosti vsem članom družine v EU. Zaradi soodvisnosti med nacionalnim pravom in pravom EU je opredelitev družinskih struktur na nacionalni ravni ključna pri uporabi zakonodaje EU. Vendar pa se te opredelitve pogosto razlikujejo, saj izhajajo iz različnih družinskih zakonodaj ter odražajo specifične zgodovinske, kulturne in ideološke elemente posameznih držav. To lahko vodi do kompleksnih situacij, kjer ena država članica priznava določene družinske konstelacije, medtem ko jih druga ne, kar dodatno otežuje pravno varstvo družinskih članov v EU.

Keywords:pravice družinskih članov, enakopravnost, Evropska unija, koordinacija sistemov socialne varnosti, nacionalna zakonodaja, pravno varstvo, raznolikost družinskih struktur, Uredba (ES) št. 883/2004
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158754 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of contemporary family structures on the coordination of social security systems in the EU
In contemporary society, there has been a significant increase in the diversity of family structures, reflecting the transformation of the concept of family within the framework of modern society recognized by the member states of the European Union (hereinafter: EU). The traditional notion of a family composed of biological parents and children is gradually losing dominance, with alternative forms of family units being increasingly accepted and recognized. In addition to nuclear families, various forms of living arrangements are emerging, including adoptive, foster, single-parent, blended families and families with same-sex partners. This diversity contributes to enriching the spectrum of family types and underscores the need to adapt legislation and social security rules to adequately reflect modern family realities. In the field of social security law current legal norms do not keep pace with the changing dynamics of family structures. Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems does not cover all aspects of diverse family units, which can lead to difficulties in recognizing family members and their rights in different member states. Consequently, barriers may arise to ensure equal rights and social security for all family members in the EU. Furthermore, due to the interdependence between national law and EU law, the definition of family structures at the national level is crucial in the application of EU legislation. However, these definitions often vary as they stem from different family laws and reflect the specific historical, cultural, and ideological elements of individual countries. This can lead to complex situations where one member state recognizes certain family constellations while others do not, further complicating the legal protection of family members in the EU.

Keywords:rights of family members, equality, European Union, coordination of social security systems, national legislation, legal protection, diversity of family structures, Regulation (EC) No 883/2004

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