
Vpliv oblike črk na prijetnost pisave in tekočnost branja pri različnih starostnih skupinah
ID Medved, Tanja (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podlesek, Anja (Comentor)

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Količina učnega gradiva, ki se prek zaslona različnih digitalnih naprav dnevno posreduje učencem in študentom, narašča. Ta način posredovanja izobraževalnih gradiv je med pandemijo COVID-19 postal še bolj razširjen. Da bi bilo učno gradivo čim bolj učinkovito, mora biti ustrezno pripravljeno: ne le vsebinsko, temveč tudi oblikovno, npr. tudi pisava, v kateri je snov zapisana, je pomembna. V doktorski disertaciji smo raziskovali vpliv oblike črk na čustvene reakcije bralcev, tekočnost branja ter razumevanje in pomnjenje besedila. Da bi ugotovili, ali starost vpliva na zaznavanje oblike črk, smo bralce, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, razdelili v dve skupini, in sicer na manj izkušene – otroke (učence druge triade osnovne šole) in bolj izkušene bralce – odrasle (študente). Obe skupini sta brali deset različnih besedil v desetih različnih pisavah: pet jih je bilo okroglih/zaobljenih, pet pa oglatih/špičastih. Udeleženci so ocenjevali prijetnost pisave in njeno zamišljeno sladkost. Za opazovanje hitrosti branja, ki je bila merilo za tekočnost branja, smo uporabili napravo za sledenje očesnim premikom. Prav tako smo spremljali spremembe v velikosti zenice, kar je služilo kot indikator čustvenega odziva na različne oblike pisav. Razumevanje in pomnjenje besedil smo preverjali takoj po branju z dvema vprašanjema o vsebini besedila. Pisave in besedila, ki smo jih uporabili v glavni raziskavi, smo izbrali s prvo in drugo preliminarno raziskavo. V tretji preliminarni raziskavi smo preizkusili metodo testiranja, ki smo jo v glavni raziskavi še nekoliko dodelali. Cilj naše raziskave je bil določiti povezavo med obliko črk in subjektivno dojeto prijetnostjo pisave. Želeli smo proučiti, ali oblika pisave oz. občutek večje prijetnosti pisave pozitivno vpliva na tekočnost branja ter razumevanje in pomnjenje besedila. Ugotovili smo, da so okrogle črke oz. črke zaobljenih oblik v primerjavi z oglatimi črkami oz. črkami špičastih oblik pri bralcih zbujale prijetnejše občutke in vplivale na večjo hitrost branja ter boljše razumevanje besedila. Otroci so na splošno prijetnost in sladkost vseh pisav ocenili višje kot študenti in kot je bilo pričakovati, so otroci zaradi manj izkušenj brali počasneje. Ugotovili smo, da je treba v učnem gradivu uporabljati pisave mehkejših, bolj organskih oblik, saj olajšajo branje in s tem bolje podpirajo učni proces tako pri mlajših kot odraslih bralcih. Naša raziskava je tudi pokazala, da je primerjava ugotovitev različnih raziskav lahko odvisna od razlik med uporabljenimi oblikami črk.

Keywords:medčutno ujemanje, oblika pisave, pomnjenje besedila, prijetnost, razumevanje besedila, starostna razlika, tekočnost branja, učno gradivo
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158753 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of letter shape on typeface pleasantness and reading fluency in different age groups
The amount of learning material delivered to pupils and students on a daily basis through the screen of various digital devices is on the increase. This method of delivering educational materials has become even more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic. To be as effective as possible, educational material must be properly designed not only in terms of content, but also in terms of form, e.g. the typeface the material is written down in. In this doctoral dissertation we investigated the effect of letter shape on readers’ emotional reactions, reading fluency, text understanding and text memorisation. To find out whether age influences the perception of letter shape, we divided the readers participating in the research into two groups, i.e. less experienced readers – children (pupils of elementary school) and more experienced readers – adults (students). Both groups read 10 different texts in 10 different typefaces: 5 of them were round or in rounded shape, and 5 were angular or in pointed shape. The participants rated the pleasantness of the typeface and the imagined sweetness of letters. We also used an eye-tracking device to observe the reading speed as measure of reading fluency and changes in pupil size as an indicator of emotional response. The comprehension and memorisation of texts were checked immediately after the reading by asking two questions about the text content. The typefaces and texts used in the main study were collected through the first and second preliminary study. In the third preliminary study, we tested the testing method, which we refined a bit in the basic study. The aim of our study was to determine the relationship between the letter shape and the subjectively perceived pleasantness of the font. We wanted to investigate whether the typeface shape or the feeling that the typeface is more pleasant has a positive influence on reading fluency, text comprehension and text memorisation. We found that compared to angular letters or letters in pointed shape, round letters or letters in round shape evoked more pleasant feelings in the readers and resulted in higher reading speed and better understanding of the text. Children generally rated the pleasantness and sweetness of all typefaces higher than adults, and, as expected, read more slowly due to having less experience. We concluded that softer typefaces of rounder shapes should be used in educational materials, as they make the reading process easier and thus support the learning process better for both younger and adult readers. The results of our study also showed that a comparison of findings of different studies may depend on the differences among the used letter shapes.

Keywords:age differences, crossmodal perception, educational material, pleasantness, reading fluency, text comprehension, text memorisation, typeface shape

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