
Kognitivne sposobnosti slovenskih namiznoteniških igralcev
ID Cvetko, Tilen (Author), ID Podlesek, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih 20 letih je v športu vse več zanimanja za raziskovanje kognitivnih sposobnosti in njihovega doprinosa k vrhunskim dosežkom. Na področju kognitivnih sposobnosti namiznoteniških igralcev je bilo do danes opravljenih malo relevantnih raziskav, čeprav je namizni tenis najhitrejša igra z žogo in ena izmed najbolj razširjenih športnih panog na svetu. Od igralcev zahteva koordinirane gibe, hitre reakcije, dobro predvidevanje nasprotnikovih udarcev in visok nivo pozornosti. V pričujočem magistrskem delu sem želel osvetliti vlogo kognitivnih sposobnosti, kot so pozornost, reakcijski čas, predvidevanje, kognitivna fleksibilnost in koordinacija oko-roka v namiznem tenisu in ugotoviti morebitne razlike med vrhunskimi namiznoteniškimi igralci, aktivnimi namiznoteniškimi igralci in posamezniki, ki se z namiznim tenisom ne ukvarjajo. Končni vzorec je vključeval tri skupine s 27 udeleženci (20 moških in 7 žensk), starih med 16 in 38 let. Kognitivne sposobnosti sem izmeril s Testom pozornosti d2, testom predvidevanja Time Wall Task in Testom sledenja v programu PEBL, Deary-Liewaldovo nalogo reakcijskega časa v programu PsyToolkit in posebej prilagojeno nalogo za merjenje koordinacije oko-roka. Rezultati so ob primerjavi treh skupin pokazali kompleksen vzorec. Vrhunski namiznoteniški igralci so izstopali predvsem v hitrem enostavnem reakcijskem času in koordinaciji oko-roka, ki bi lahko bili eni izmed ključnih sposobnosti za dosego vrhunskega rezultata. Presenetljivo so aktivni namiznoteniški igralci dosegli najboljše rezultate pri testu izbirnega reakcijskega časa in kognitivne fleksibilnosti. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo boljše kognitivne sposobnosti namiznoteniških igralcev, vendar so potrebne nadaljnje vzdolžne in eksperimentalne študije, ki bi dale več informacij o vzrokih in vlogi namiznega tenisa pri izboljšanju teh sposobnosti.

Keywords:kognitivne sposobnosti športnikov, namizni tenis, športna psihologija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158734 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Cognitive Abilities of Slovenian Table Tennis Players
Over the past 20 years, there has been an increasing interest in researching cognitive abilities and their contribution to elite sports performance. Despite table tennis being the fastest ball sport and one of the most widely played sports in the world, there has been limited research on the cognitive abilities of table tennis players. Table tennis demands coordinated movements, rapid reactions, accurate anticipation of opponent's shots, and a high level of attention. In the research, I aimed to explore the role of cognitive abilities such as attention, reaction time, anticipation, cognitive flexibility, and eye-hand coordination in table tennis, and to identify potential differences among elite table tennis players, active table tennis players, and individuals who are not involved in similar sports. The final sample consisted of three groups of 27 participants (20 males and 7 females) aged between 16 and 38 years. Cognitive abilities were assessed using the d2 attention test, the Time Wall prediction task and the Trail Making Test in the PEBL program, the Deary-Liewald reaction time task in the PsyToolkit program, and a specifically designed task measuring eye-hand coordination. Results revealed a complex pattern when comparing the three groups. Elite table tennis players excelled particularly in fast simple reaction time and eye-hand coordination, which could be one of the key abilities for achieving top performance. Surprisingly, active table tennis players achieved the best results in the choice reaction time and cognitive flexibility. The results of the study suggest superior cognitive abilities among table tennis players, yet further longitudinal and experimental studies are needed to provide more insights into the reasons and the role of table tennis in improving these abilities.

Keywords:cognitive abilities of athletes, table tennis, sport psychology

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