
Odnos med perfekcionizmom in kognitivno testno anksioznostjo: vloga stilov spoprijemanja s stresom in nevroticizma : vloga stilov spoprijemanja s stresom in nevroticizma
ID Kačar, Petar (Author), ID Depolli Steiner, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je na študentski populaciji preučiti odnos med prilagojenimi (organiziranost in osebni standardi) oziroma neprilagojenimi dimenzijami (pričakovanja staršev, starševska kritika, dvom v lastna dejanja in zaskrbljenost zaradi napak) perfekcionizma in kognitivno testno anksioznostjo. Zanima me, ali imata različna stila spoprijemanja (stil spoprijemanja, osredotočen na problem, in stil spoprijemanja, osredotočen na izogibanje) v tem odnosu mediatorsko vlogo. Zanima me še, ali nevroticizem kot ena izmed osnovnih osebnostnih lastnosti moderira indirektni učinek neprilagojenih dimenzij perfekcionizma na oba stila spoprijemanja s stresom. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 307 študentov različnih študijskih smeri in programov, ki so izpolnili Lestvico kognitivne testne anksioznosti, Frostovo lestvico perfekcionizma, Vprašalnik stilov spoprijemanja s stresom – kratko verzijo in Vprašalnik petih velikih faktorjev. Za oceno mediatorske vloge stilov spoprijemanja s stresom in moderatorske vloge nevroticizma sem izvedel vzporedno mediatorsko analizo in analizo pogojnih procesov oziroma moderirano mediacijo. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima organiziranost negativen posredni učinek preko obeh stilov spoprijemanja s stresom na kognitivno testno anksioznost, in sicer organiziranost pozitivno napoveduje stil spoprijemanja, osredotočen na problem, ki napoveduje nižjo kognitivno testno anksioznost, ter negativno napoveduje stil spoprijemanja, osredotočen na izogibanje, ki napoveduje višjo kognitivno testno anksioznost. Pri tem je močnejši učinek preko stila spoprijemanja, osredotočenega na izogibanje. Osebni standardi, zaskrbljenost zaradi napak in starševska kritika imajo pozitiven neposredni in posredni, pričakovanja staršev pa negativen posredni učinek na kognitivno testno anksioznost le preko stila spoprijemanja, osredotočenega na izogibanje. Dvom v lastna dejanja ima le pozitiven neposredni učinek na kognitivno testno anksioznost. Nevroticizem se ni pokazal kot moderator indirektnega učinka v modelu z neprilagojenimi dimenzijami perfekcionizma. Rezultati imajo teoretične in praktične implikacije. S teoretičnega vidika rezultati doprinašajo k globljemu razumevanju klasifikacije perfekcionizma na pozitivne in negativne dimenzije ter razumevanju perfekcionizma kot vedenja, usmerjenega k doseganju pozitivnih posledic ali izogibanju negativnim posledicam. Rezultati lahko predstavljajo teoretično izhodišče za razvoj ustreznih intervencij pri spoprijemanju z izpitno anksioznostjo.

Keywords:perfekcionizem, izpitna anksioznost, stil spoprijemanja, nevroticizem, študenti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Kačar]
Number of pages:69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158733 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199623939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Cognitive Test Anxiety: The Role of Stress Coping Styles and Neuroticism : magistrsko delo
In my master's thesis, I investigated the relationship between adaptive (organization and personal standards) and maladaptive dimensions of perfectionism (parental expectations, parental criticism, doubts about actions, and concerns about mistakes) and cognitive test anxiety in university students. I was interested in examining the mediating role of coping styles in this relationship. I was also interested in whether neuroticism as one of the elementary personality traits moderates an indirect effect of the maladaptive perfectionism dimensions on both coping styles. The sample consisted of 307 students from different disciplines and degree programs who completed the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale, the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory, and the Big Five Inventory. To assess the mediating role of stress coping styles and the moderating role of neuroticism, I conducted a parallel mediator analysis and a conditional process or moderated mediation analysis. The results show that organization has only a negative mediating effect across both coping styles on cognitive test anxiety, such that organization positively predicts a problem-focused coping style, which predicts lower cognitive test anxiety, and negatively predicts an avoidance-focused coping style, which predicts higher cognitive test anxiety. The effect of the coping style that focuses on avoidance is stronger. Personal standards, concern over mistakes, and parental criticism have positive direct and indirect, and parental expectations have negative indirect effect on cognitive test anxiety through an avoidance- oriented coping style. Doubts about action only have a positive direct effect on cognitive test anxiety. Neuroticism was not proven as a moderator of the indirect effect in the model with maladaptive dimensions of perfectionism. The results have theoretical and practical implications. From a theoretical perspective, the results contribute to a deeper understanding of the classification of perfectionism into positive and negative dimensions and to an understanding of perfectionism as a behavior that aims to achieve positive consequences but avoid negative ones. The results could also provide a theoretical starting point for the development of suitable interventions for coping with test anxiety.

Keywords:perfectionism, test anxiety, coping styles, neuroticism, students

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