
Namizne igre z zgodovinsko vsebino pri pouku zgodovine v osnovni šoli : magistrsko delo
ID Marn, Jakob (Author), ID Trškan, Danijela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni namen magistrskega dela Namizne igre z zgodovinsko vsebino pri pouku zgodovine v osnovni šoli je raziskati uporabnost namiznih iger v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu, poiskati namizne igre z zgodovinsko tematiko, ki na trgu že obstajajo in so primerne za uporabo pri pouku, ter izdelati avtorsko namizno igro odkrivanje sveta in jo vključiti v pouk zgodovine v 8. razredu. Prednosti uporabe namiznih iger pri pouku so ustvarjanje igralnega okolja, v katerem so učenci bolj sproščeni in samozavestnejši; takojšnja povratna informacija; večja motivacija in aktivnost učencev ter razvijanje mehkih veščin (komunikacija, sodelovanje, kritično mišljenje). Na trgu je dostopnih veliko namiznih iger z zgodovinsko tematiko, vendar pa vsa zgodovinska obdobja niso enakomerno zastopana. Prav tako so nekatere igre predolge, prezahtevne ali predrage. Za uporabo v razredu so zato primernejše namizne igre, ki jih učitelji izdelajo sami, ker jih v tem primeru lahko prilagodijo vsebinam, učnim ciljem in značilnostim učencev. Avtorsko namizno igro odkrivanje sveta smo uspešno uporabili pri poučevanju geografskih odkritij v 8. razredu. Med učnimi urami so učenci za igro pokazali velik interes, bili so aktivni in motivirani za dosego čim boljšega rezultata. V anketnem vprašalniku so zapisali, da bi igro tudi sami še kdaj uporabili za ponovitev in utrjevanje snovi. Vse to nakazuje, da so namizne igre lahko dobrodošla popestritev pouka zgodovine in obenem uspešno motivacijsko sredstvo.

Keywords:namizna igra, pouk zgodovine, odkrivanje sveta, osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Marn
Number of pages:135 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158725 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199488515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Board games with historical themes in elementary school history
The main objective of the Master's thesis Board Games with Historical Themes in Elementary School History is to investigate the usefulness of board games in the educational process, to find board games with historical themes that already exist on the market and are suitable for use in the classroom, and to create an original board game, Discovering the World, to be included in the history lessons in Grade 8. The advantages of using board games in the classroom are the creation of a gaming environment for students to be more relaxed and confident; immediate feedback; increased motivation and activity of the students; and the development of soft skills (communication, cooperation, critical thinking). There are many board games with historical themes available on the market, but not all historical periods are equally represented by them. Also, some games are too long, too complex or too expensive. For classroom use, teachers' own board games are therefore more suitable, as they can then be adapted to the content, learning objectives and characteristics of the students. My board game Discovering the World has been successfully used to teach geographic discoveries in Grade 8. During the lessons, the students were greatly interested in the game, they were active and motivated to achieve the best possible result. In the questionnaire, they wrote that they would use the game again to review and reinforce the study material. All this suggests that the board games can be a welcome addition to History lessons and a successful motivational tool.

Keywords:board game, History lessons, discovering the world, elementary school

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