
Analiza razlik v vzdržljivosti pri učencih tretjih razredov v izbranih vaških in mestnih osnovnih šolah : magistrsko delo
ID Ravnik, Špela (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali vzdržljivost, ki jo opredeljujemo kot funkcionalno sposobnost človeka, da brez prekinitev zmore opravljati določeno aktivnost dlje časa. Vzdržljivost je tesno povezana s srčno-žičnim in dihalnim sistemom, zato v sodobnem času, ko prevladuje sedentarni način življenja, potrebuje posebno pozornost tudi v osnovni šoli. To se je pokazalo še posebej po epidemiji Covida-19, ko so učenci ostali doma in ob ponovni vrnitvi v šole na testih SloFit izkazali upad vzdržljivosti. S tem se je pokazala potreba po povečanju kakovostnejšega izvajanja in načrtovanja aerobne vadbe. Glede na različne pogoje, v katerih osnovne šole delujejo, smo želeli raziskati, v kolikšni meri geografski pogoji prispevajo k pogostejšemu izvajanju aerobnih dejavnosti. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v aerobni moči med učenci vaških in mestnih osnovnih šol zaradi morebitne boljše geografske lege oz. okolja. Proučevali smo tudi druge dejavnike, ki poleg geografske lege prispevajo k načrtovanju in izvajanju aerobnih vadb, in sicer smo analizirali razlike v mnenjih in načrtovanju aerobnih dejavnosti med učitelji mestnih in vaških šol. Analizirali in primerjali smo letne in sprotne učne priprave izbranih učiteljic tretjih razredov in s tem opredelili načrtovano količino izvajanja vaj za vzdržljivost pri športu. Poleg analize dokumentov smo izvedli polstrukturirane intervjuje in ugotavljali, kakšen pomen učitelji pripisujejo pripravi na pouk športa na splošno, pripravi na razvoj vzdržljivosti učencev in njihovi fizični pripravljenosti ter koliko in na kakšen način sami skrbijo za lastno vzdržljivost in fizično pripravljenost. Aerobno moč učencev smo preverili z Beep testom. Ugotovili smo, da učenci iz vaških šol v povprečju dosežejo več podstopenj (28,2) Beep testa kot iz mestnih šol (23,6). Neparametrični Mann-Whitney U-test sicer ni pokazal statistično pomembnih razlik (U = 342.000; p = 0,110). Analiza dokumentov je pokazala, da zaradi enotne administrativne podlage ni večjih razlik med letnimi pripravami učiteljev vaških in mestnih šol. Opazimo pa razlike v sprotnih učnih pripravah. Analiza intervjujev je pokazala razlike v načrtovanju, izkoriščanju ter vključevanju naravnih vrednot bližnjega okolja v pouk športa. Učitelji so si enotni v pripisovanju pomena športa za učenčev razvoj ter definiranju vzdržljivosti. Ta se največkrat pojavi v povezavi s tekom.

Keywords:Aerobika, Športna vzgoja, aerobna vadba, Beep test, tretji razred, vzdržljivost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Š. Ravnik
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158707 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200026371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysing differences in the endurance of third-graders in the selected rural and urban primary schools
In the master's thesis, we examine endurance, which we define as the functional ability of a person to perform a certain activity for a longer period without having to interrupt it. Endurance is closely related to the cardiovascular and respiratory system and is therefore in modern times, when a sedentary lifestyle prevails, needing special attention even in elementary school. This was particularly evident after the Covid-19 epidemic, when students stayed at home and upon their return to school, they showed a decline in endurance in SloFit tests. This demonstrated the need to enhance the quality of aerobic exercise implementation and planning. Given the different conditions in which elementary schools operate, we wanted to investigate to what extent geographical conditions contribute to more frequent implementation of aerobic activities. The master's thesis's aim was to determine if there are differences in aerobic capacity among students from rural and urban elementary schools due to a better location or environment. We also examined other factors that contribute to the planning and implementation of aerobic exercises, specifically analyzing differences in opinions and planning of aerobic activities between teachers from urban and rural schools. We analyzed and compared the annual and ongoing lesson plans of selected third-grade teachers, thereby defining the planned amount of endurance exercises in sports. In addition to document analysis, we conducted semi-structured interviews to determine the importance teachers attribute to sports preparation in general, preparation for students' endurance development and physical fitness, and how much and in what way they themselves take care of their own endurance and physical fitness. The aerobic capacity of students was assessed using the Beep test. We found that students from rural schools achieve, on average, more levels (28,2) in the Beep test compared to those from urban schools (23,6). However, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test did not show statistically significant differences (U = 342.000; p = 0.110). Document analysis revealed that due to a uniform administrative framework, there are no major differences between the annual preparations of teachers from rural and urban schools. However, differences were observed in ongoing lesson preparations. The analysis of interviews showed differences in planning, utilization, and incorporation of the natural values of the surrounding environment into sports education. Teachers are unanimous in attributing importance to sports for students' development and defining endurance, which most often occurs in connection with running.

Keywords:aerobic excercise, Beep test, endurance, third grade

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