
Izbira kakovostne slikanice za otroke : magistrsko delo
ID Pogačar, Tjaša (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Slikanica je knjiga, kjer se enakovredno prepletajo besedilo, ilustracija in oblikovanje. Če želimo, da je ta kakovostna, mora ustrezati določenim kriterijem. Slikanica je kot produkt del literarnega sistema. Del sistema so tudi proizvajalec, sprejemnik, repertoar, institucija in trg. Otrok je posredno naš sprejemnik, saj nanj vplivajo še vzgojitelji in starši. Ti so posredniki med otrokom in knjigo. Posrednik med avtorjem in ilustratorjem slikanice (= proizvajalec) pa je urednik. Vsi omenjeni so pomembni in vplivajo na to, kakšno knjigo na koncu otrok dobi v roke. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na izbiro kakovostne slikanice za otroke preko šestih skupin: avtorjev, ilustratorjev, urednikov, vzgojiteljev, staršev in otrok. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila slikanico in naredila pregled razvoja slikanice v Sloveniji. Preko kataloga Javne agencije za knjigo Republike Slovenije, Bee Curious (2023), sem predstavila 12 avtorjev in izbranih kakovostnih slikanic. Naredila sem pregled izposoje v Cobissu po izbranih avtorjih in slikanicah v letih 2022 in 2023. Predstavila sem dobljene knjižne nagrade (večernica, nagrada Kristine Brenkove, desetnica, Levstikova nagrada in znak za kakovost zlata hruška) in pregledala najnovejše pravilnike na spletnih straneh, kjer so opisani kriteriji za izbiro kakovostnih knjig. Kriterije sem opisala tudi s pomočjo literature različnih avtorjev (Jamnik, 2003; Zupančič, 2012; Haramija in Batič, 2013; Weih, 2015; Haramija, 2017; Magalová idr., 2023). V nadaljevanju sem obravnavala pomen branja za otroke in povezala celotno tematiko s Kurikulom za vrtce (1999) in njegovim priročnikom: Otrok v vrtcu (2001). V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave ugotavljala, na podlagi česa različne skupine posameznikov (avtorji, ilustratorji, uredniki, vzgojitelji, starši in otroci) izbirajo kakovostno slikanico. Zanimalo me je, katere kriterije upoštevajo pri izbiri slikanic. Ugotovitve moje raziskave kažejo na pomen branja, ki ga pripisujejo vsi intervjuvanci. Niso toliko pomembni sami kriteriji, kot je spremljanje literarne produkcije na trgu. V raziskavi se kažejo razlike v izbiri slikanic med odraslimi in otroki. Kaže se pomembnost ozaveščanja strokovnih delavcev v vrtcih/šolah in staršev glede pomembnosti branja ter kazalnikov, ki so lahko v pomoč pri izbiri kakovostnih slikanic.

Keywords:Slikanice, Predšolska vzgoja, kakovostna slikanica, kriteriji za izbiro, avtorji, ilustratorji, otroci, starši, uredniki, vzgojitelji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Pogačar
Number of pages:85 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158703 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199994627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Choosing a quality picture book for children
A picture book is a book in which text, illustrations and design are equally intertwined. For a picture book to be of quality, it has to comply with certain criteria. As a product, picture books are a part of a literary system. Another part of the system consists of the manufacturer, recipient, repertoire, institution and market. Children are our indirect recipients, as they are also influenced by their preschool teachers and parents. These are intermediaries between children and books. The intermediary between an author and an illustrator of the book, i.e. the manufacturer, is the editor. All of these are important and have a say in what the book children receive in the end will look like. This master's thesis focuses on the selection of a quality picture book for children through six groups: authors, illustrators, editors, preschool teachers, parents and children. In the theoretical part, I defined the picture book and performed an overview of the development of the picture book in Slovenia. Based on a catalogue by the Slovenian Book Agency, Bee Curious (2023), I presented 12 authors and selected quality picture books. An overview of book rentals in COBISS in terms of selected authors and picture books in the years 2022 and 2023 was performed. I presented the received literary awards (Večernica, Kristina Brenkova Award, Desetnica, Levstik Award and Golden Pear Label) and reviewed recent regulations on websites stating criteria for the selection of quality books. The criteria were also based on literature by different authors (Jamnik, 2003; Zupančič, 2012; Haramija and Batič, 2013; Weih, 2015; Haramija, 2017; Magalová et al., 2023). Furthermore, I studied the importance of reading for children and associated the entire topic with the Kindergarten Curriculum (1999) and its manual, Children In Preschool (2001). In the empirical part, I carried out a qualitative study to determine the factors that influence groups of individuals (authors, illustrators, editors, preschool teachers, parents and children) when selecting a quality picture book. I wanted to determine what criteria they consider when selecting picture books. The conclusions from my research show that all respondents attribute great importance to reading. Not the criteria themselves, but keeping up to date with the literary production in the market is what is important. The study demonstrates differences in the selection of picture books between adults and children. The importance of making professional workers in preschools/schools and parents aware of the importance of reading and factors that may facilitate the selection of quality picture books is highlighted.

Keywords:quality picture book, selection criteria, authors, illustrators, children, parents, editors, preschool teachers

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