
Optimizacija pridobivanja nanofibrilirane celuloze iz lesne biomase : magistrska naloga
ID Bertoncelj, Jani (Author), ID Poljanšek, Ida (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oven, Primož (Comentor), ID Petrič, Marko (Reviewer)

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Preučevali smo pogoje pridobivanja nanofibrilirane celuloze (NFC) iz bruševine podjetja Karton Količevo. Ugotovili smo, da je za izolacijo NFC nujno potrebna kemična obdelava izvorne surovine. Kemični postopki, ki smo jih uporabili, so bili ekstrakcija po Soxhletu, delignifikacija z reagentom NaClO, odstranjevanje hemiceluloz s KOH ali NaOH in oksidacija z reagentom TEMPO. Rezultati so pokazali, da je za doseganje večje čistote materiala bolje, če se postopek delignifikacije ponovi za postopkom odstranjevanja hemiceluloz. Hkrati se zmanjša tudi čas mehanskih postopkov za nastanek gelaste oblike NFC. Na čistoto ugodno vpliva tudi daljši čas delignifikacije. Opazili smo tudi vpliv oksidacije z reagentom TEMPO, saj ta skrajša čas, potreben za nastanek gelaste oblike. Rezultati FT-IR analize so potrdili, da so bili postopki odstranjevanja, lignina in hemiceluloz uspešni. Reološki testi so pokazali naraščanje elastičnega (G`) in viskoznega (G``) strižnega modula z večanjem frekvence obremenjevanja, kar pomeni, da se gelasta disperzija obnaša psevdoplastično. Parametre nastanka NFC smo poiskušali optimizirati z vidika količine porabljenih kemikalij pri kemični predelavi. Morfologija končnega produkta je nekoliko drugačna kot morfologija industrijske NFC, zato sklepamo, da je naš produkt nekoliko slabše kvalitete

Keywords:lesna biomasa, nanofibrilirana celuloza, optimizacija postopkov, kemična modifikacija, mehanska obdelava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Bertoncelj
Number of pages:XIV, 91 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158695 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2457737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of producing nanofibrillated cellulose from woody biomass : M. Sc. thesis
The production conditions of nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) from wood pulp (Karton Količevo) were examined. We concluded that it is crucial to use chemical modification in the production of NFC. The chemical modification procedures used were: Soxhlet extraction, delignification using NaClO, removal of hemicelluloses using KOH or NaOH and TEMPO mediated oxidation. The results showed that higher purity could be achieved by repeating delignification process after the process of hemicellulose removal. The time needed for mechanical modification and formation of NFC gel was reduced by performing this process. Longer delignification process time favourably affects the purity of end product. The observed effect of TEMPO mediated oxidation was the reduction of the time needed for formation of NFC gel. The results of FT-IR confirmed that both delignification process and process of hemicellulose removal were successful. Rheological tests showed an increase in elastic (G`) and viscous (G``) shear modulus with increased frequency of stress, which means that gelatin dispersion behaves pseudoplastically. An effort towards optimization of amount of needed chemical materials was made as well. The morfology of the end product is somewhat different from that of industrially produced NFC, indicating lower quality of our product

Keywords:woody biomass, nanofibrillated cellulose, optimization of procesess, chemical modification, mechanical treatment

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