
Optimizacija procesov proizvodnje na decentralizirani platformi
ID Debelak, Dušan (Author), ID Berlec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Problem, obravnavan v tem diplomskem delu, se osredotoča na primer izgradnje zaupanja in zagotavljanja zanesljivosti v avtomobilski dobavni verigi. Nekateri večji izzivi v dobavni verigi vključujejo spremljanje in zagotavljanje varnosti informacijskih tokov, povezanih s proizvodnimi procesi v avtomobilski industriji. Za oceno zanesljivosti proizvodnih procesov je bila uporabljena kvalitativna metoda, imenovana Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (PFMEA), in sicer za oceno tveganj v proizvodnem procesu. Podatke o stanju analize procesov smo posredovali po konceptualni platformi splet 3.0, ki temelji na tehnologiji blockchain. Ključna trajnost predlaganega sistema temelji na implementaciji izobraževalne platforme Process Space, ki je na voljo za deljenje znanja znotraj organizacije in dobavne verige v obliki strokovnih kapsul (procesov). Z obravnavo zgornjega problema in uporabo ustrezne metodologije smo razvili konceptualni model dobavne verige, podprt z virtualno platformo splet 3.0. Ta platforma omogoča zanesljivost deljenih informacij v dobavni verigi. Uporabniki te platforme bi imeli možnost oceniti zanesljivost procesov dobaviteljev komponent s samodejnim preverjanjem zahtev strank na platformi splet 3.0 in primerjavo rezultatov, pridobljenih neposredno iz proizvodnih procesov dobaviteljev.

Keywords:industrije 4.0, avtomobilske industrije, upravljanja dobavne verige, Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (PFMEA), splet 3.0, tehnologija podatkovnih blokov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Debelak]
Number of pages:XX, 52, [13] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158620 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199638275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of production processes on a decentralized platform
The problem addressed in this final thesis revolves around the case of building trust and ensuring reliability within the automotive supply chain. Some of the major challenges within the supply chain include monitoring and ensuring the security of information flows related to the production processes within the automotive industry. To assess the reliability of the production processes, a qualitative method called Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (PFMEA) was used to evaluate risks in the manufacturing process. Information about the status of the process analysis was communicated through a conceptual web 3.0 platform based on blockchain technology. The key sustainability of the proposed system relies on the implementation of the educational platform Process Space, available for sharing knowledge within the organization and the supply chain, in the form of expert capsules (processes). By addressing the problem above and applying the appropriate methodology, we developed a conceptual model of the supply chain supported by a virtual web 3.0 platform. This platform enables the reliability of shared information within the supply chain. Users of this platform would have the ability to assess the reliability of component supplier processes by automatically verifying customer requirements on the web 3.0 platform, and comparing results obtained directly from supplier production processes.

Keywords:industry 4.0, automotive industry, supply chain management, process failure mode & effect analysis (PFMEA), web 3.0, blockchain

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