
Delo strokovnih delavcev v osnovni šoli z romskimi otroki in njihovimi starši
ID Predalič, Ajda (Author), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati strokovno pomoč in podporo romskim otrokom v osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem uvodu sem opredelila, kdo so Romi, področja poselitve in regionalne razlike v Sloveniji, značilnosti romskih družin, predsodke do romskega prebivalstva in izobraževanje romskih otrok (ovire, zakonske regulacije pomoči pri šolanju romskih otrok in strategije za uspešnejše šolanje). Predstavila sem še programe za vključevanje Romov, vlogo socialnega dela pri izobraževanju in socialnem vključevanju Romov ter svetovalno delo v vzgoji in izobraževanju. V empiričnem delu sem si zastavila raziskovalna vprašanja na naslednje teme: pomoč in podpora, ki jo nudijo strokovni delavci romskim otrokom, sodelovanje s starši in zunanjimi institucijami, vključenost v razred in šolsko skupnost ter zaključevanje izobraževanja. Izvedla sem kvantitativno, eksplorativno in deskriptivno raziskavo med 161 strokovnimi delavci. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je večina romskih otrok deležna pomoči in podpore strokovnih delavcev (učna pomoč, pogovor, družabništvo itd.), pobudo zanjo pa v večini dajo učitelji ali svetovalni delavci, redkeje romski učenci ali njihovi starši. Zelo pogoste ovire, s katerimi se srečujejo romski otroci, so jezikovne ovire, prilagoditev zanje pa je izredno malo. Romski otroci v Prekmurju so bolje vključeni v razredno in šolsko skupnost kot romski otroci v JV Sloveniji ter tudi pogosteje sodelujejo z neromskimi otroki pri pouku in se z njimi družijo med odmori. Romski otroci iz sodelujočih šol večinoma zaključijo osnovnošolsko izobraževanje s končanim 9. razredom, sicer pa dečki pa zaključijo manj razredov osnovne šole kot deklice. Več kot polovica sodelujočih strokovnih delavcev poroča, da so na njihovih šolah zaposleni romski pomočniki. Kar 84 % anketirancev pri svojem delu sodeluje z zunanjimi institucijami, vendar pa je povezovanja šol z vrtci izredno malo. Podpora in pomoč staršem, krepitev zaupanja med starši in šolo ter skupna podpora (staršev, učiteljev, neromskih staršev, učencev in zunanjih organizacij) pri šolskem delu so pomembni koraki, da bi romski otroci pogosteje zaključili celotno osnovno šolo. Zapisala sem tudi nekaj predlogov, med katerimi bi izpostavila naslednje: da bi v praksi zaživele priprave na šolo že v predšolskem obdobju na način, ki je dostopen romski skupnosti, večjo vključenost romskih staršev v vzgojni in učni program ter izobraževanje strokovnih delavcev o pomenu dela z razredom in inkluzivnih metodah dela.

Keywords:romski otroci, izobraževanje, strokovni delavci, šolska svetovalna služba, socialno delo z romskimi otroki, romski starši, inkluzija, romski pomočniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158567 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Professionals working with Roma children in elementary school and their parents
The purpose of the master's thesis is to research professional help and support for Roma children in elementary school. In the theoretical introduction, I defined who the Roma people are, areas of settlement and regional differences in Slovenia, the characteristics of Roma families, prejudices towards the Roma population and the education of Roma children (obstacles, legal regulations of assistance in the education of Roma children and strategies for more successful schooling). I also presented programs for Roma integration, the role of social work in the education and social integration of Roma people and counselling work in education. In the empirical part, I asked myself research questions on the following topics: help and support provided by professionals to Roma children, cooperation with parents, cooperation with external institutions, inclusion in the classroom and the school community, and completion of education. I carried out quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research among 161 experts. The results of the research showed that the majority of Roma children receive help and support from professional workers (teaching assistance, conversation, socializing, etc.), and the initiative for it mostly comes from teachers or counseling workers, rarely from Roma children or their parents. Very common obstacles faced by Roma children are language barriers, and there is very little adaptation for them. Roma children in Prekmurje are better integrated into the classroom and school community than Roma children in South-East Slovenia, and they also more often collaborate with non-Roma children in classes and socialize with them during breaks. Roma children from the participating schools mostly finish their primary school education with the 9th grade, while boys finish fewer grades of primary school than girls. More than half of the participating professionals report that Roma assistants are employed at their schools. As many as 84% of respondents cooperate with external institutions in their work, but there is very little connection between schools and kindergartens. Support and help for parents, strengthening of trust between parents and the school, and joint support (of parents, teachers, non-Roma parents, students and external organizations) in schoolwork are important steps in order for Roma children to complete the entire primary school more often. I also wrote down a few suggestions, among which I would highlight the following: that preparation for school in the pre-school period should be implemented in practice in a way that is accessible to the Roma community, greater involvement of Roma parents in the educational and educational program, and training of professionals on the importance of working with classes and inclusive work methods.

Keywords:Roma children, education, professional workers, school counselling service, social work with Roma children, Roma parents, inclusion, Roma assistants

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